Corporate Fitness and Active Aging

Disease Prevention: Corporate Wellness and Flu Prevention

This blog was written by Mechelle Meadows. Meet our blogging fitness specialists at the NIFS website.

flu shot, corporate wellness, disease preventionAs soon as the fall season hits, flu shots are all the buzz. Pharmacies across the nation start advertising the vaccine and we start to provide cold and flu information in our corporate wellness centers. This year, you may want to start your planning earlier. Not only is it important for your corporate wellness clients to get the vaccine; you should get one for yourself, too.

Where to Find the Flu Vaccine

Both health care providers and pharmaceutical companies have stressed getting your flu shot earlier this year. Already, the vaccine is available at many local pharmacies and doctors' offices, and some have begun to offer it all year round. If you have an Occupational Health clinic at your worksite, check to see whether they offer the vaccine and how soon it will be available.

Additionally, ask what versions of the flu shot are available at the site you choose. Vaccine manufacturers have promised a larger supply of the flu shot in both child and senior citizen doses for the 2011–2012 season. These populations may need slightly different amounts of the vaccine.

Prevention Beyond the Flu Shot

Beyond getting a flu shot, what can be done to ensure that you and your clients stay bug-free? Since most of us spend the majority of our day at the workplace, tell clients to be sure the space around them stays clean. They should keep an alcohol-based hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes handy.

In corporate fitness centers, be sure that members are instructed to clean their equipment before and after use. Think about taping small reminders onto each piece of equipment and leaving out a larger, more visible supply of cleaning products throughout the fitness center.

Lastly, wash your hands! Be sure to get under fingernails, between fingers and wrists, and avoid touching faucets, paper towel dispensers, or bathroom door handles after you’ve cleaned your hands.

Instead of spreading germs this year, teach your corporate wellness clients to spread healthy habits!

Topics: corporate wellness disease prevention