Corporate Fitness and Active Aging

How NIFS Became Experts in Digital Fitness Content for Older Adults

GettyImages-1487770785The quick answer, we became experts because we have been specializing in this population for over 20 years in our work in senior living communities. It takes time and dedication to develop a niche as strong as what NIFS has within an industry. We have been part of the wellness evolution as fitness centers were included in renovations and master plans and communities looked to staffing and programming models to help their residents use these amenities safely. We’ve further witnessed consumer options evolve in the senior living landscape with more choices than ever before on where older adults choose to live including 55+ neighborhoods, IL communities, to lifeplan communities. Each environment has its own priorities and challenges in supporting the health and fitness needs of the residents who live there but all understand the necessity of providing vibrant lifestyles. The industry is expected to grow by $100 billion by 2027 alone which means more even more options for consumers. That’s where NIFS Wellness Companion comes into play as a solution in fitness, nutrition and wellness resources that seamlessly plug into the needs of senior living communities.

What makes NIFS niche in senior living special? It comes down to 3 areas of expertise.

  1. We hire degreed professionals and provide them with rigorous training to become specialists in senior fitness. Few fitness professionals on the market possess the skillset to step into a senior living setting and provide aquatics programming, fall prevention services, balance assessments, group fitness classes and the background to prescribe customized exercise plans for someone 70+. NIFS staff report their skillset unique to older adult programming increases by 75% in their first year upon joining our team and 90% of these team members already possess a degree in exercise science. The needs of your residents and program are truly a specialization.
  2. Because we have worked in senior living for over 20 years with our fitness management clients, we know the players and we know the motivations in your community. Your lifestyle director is a jack of all trades often playing a role with activities, the concierge, transportation and outings. They love making their residents happy and are stretched on time and resources. Marketing and sales know that the ability to showcase a vibrant lifestyle is essential to their ability to meet occupancy goals. Your nursing staff knows that residents who are physically active and engaged can stay independent longer while decreasing fall risks
  3. We know your residents. We know that you have several different populations living within your community ranging from those in their late 60’s to 100+. We know that it takes variety in programs and the right approach to effectively engage them in what is being offered. This is truly where our specialization in creating content and programs is rooted. We understand the interests, barriers and goals of seniors and we have spent two decades flexing our creative muscles to effectively connect residents with education and programming that keeps them regularly engaged.

We have the unique perspective to combine that staff expertise, our understanding of the senior living space and our knowledge of your residents to provide a comprehensive digital content and programming platform in NIFS Wellness Companion that fills the gaps your wellness program may be missing.

Topics: financial fitness fitness center for seniors wellness-based lifestyle community wellness Wellness Companion

NIFS Unveils New Service for Senior Living Communities

Extra, Extra... Read all about it! The National Institute for Fitness and Sport (NIFS) has been providing Fitness Management Services in senior living communities across the US for over 20 years. In that time, we have hired some of the best professionals in the business catering to the health and fitness needs of older adults and developing great content and programs to enrich the lives of residents. We see the benefits of empowering seniors with education and choices for safe exercise to champion their health and we are proud to partner with communities who make resident wellness a priority.

20241004_142147At the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA) Conference this week in Raleigh, North Carolina, we were thrilled to unveil a new service to senior living providers making NIFS expertise more accessible to more communities with NIFS Wellness Companion! For the first time, communities can take advantage of a subscription-based service to receive NIFS expert content and programs to enhance their lifestyle programming.

Residents have been loving our content and programs written by our team of senior fitness specialist and registered dietitians for decades. If wellness is a priority for your organization, NIFS now has more solutions to support your community either through our professional staffing in Fitness Management or by your own wellness champion having an array of fitness, nutrition, and health-focused content and programs at their fingertips every month with NIFS Wellness Companion.

As communities have experienced the ease of participating in free events with us the past couple of years with Pump it for Parkinson’s, it’s left many asking, “Do you sell any of your programs because this was so easy to implement, and our residents loved it?” While NIFS Wellness Companion won’t be the full arsenal of NIFS programs and services, it does infuse a level of professionalism, consistency, and creativity into the monthly programs and education communities provide their residents without the frustration of trying to brainstorm what to do, or more importantly finding the time to sit down and develop the content. We know residents thrive on consistency and fitness coordinators, lifestyle directors or life enrichment directors will have the convenience of expertly curated content at their fingertips to plug into their monthly calendars and resident engagement apps.

According to a recent survey by the ICAA, 90% of CEOs in the senior living sector believe that providing wellness programming is vital for business growth. Current residents are engaging more than ever before, and prospective residents are making decisions on where they choose to move based on wellness offerings that will help them live independently for as long as possible. With NIFS Wellness Companion, communities can demonstrate their commitment to supporting resident wellness by partnering with a national organization who specializes in senior fitness.

As a nonprofit organization with a mission rooted in enhancing healthy living through the lifespan, we are thrilled that Wellness Companion will help us reach more seniors with education and exercise options to help them live well while making the jobs of busy wellness professionals that much easier!

Want to learn more about our new subscription-based service, Wellness Companion? Click below for more information!


Topics: resident wellness programs senior fitnes wellness-based lifestyle Wellness Companion

What is Somatic Exercise?

GettyImages-1074805220It’s not uncommon for people to describe uncomfortable physical sensations; musculoskeletal discomfort has become increasingly common. If you think about the average office worker, they will likely talk about pain in the neck, upper traps, and shoulders. Why these specific areas? When people are stressed, they have a tendency to hunch over and round the upper back. This tightens the aforementioned muscles, causing irritation. Trauma and chronic stress can have a lingering impact on our bodies; the body can unconsciously tense up, causing chronic pain.

Somatic based exercise has begun to grow in popularity due to its therapeutic benefits. But what is it exactly? You’ve likely heard about the ‘mind-body connection’ either in writing or on TV. Think of somatic exercise as an extension of mind-body awareness. By exploring the body through gentle movement, we bring awareness to and find a way to combat the stressors in our daily lives. Moving in a conventional way (exercise, stretching, etc.) is solely focused on the physical, or outer, experience. By contrast, somatic methods help relieve stress and pain by allowing the practitioner to focus on the inner experience- moving slowly and processing how it feels.

So how did this practice come into being? In the 1970s, a philosopher and educator named Thomas Hanna was doing research into the mind-body connection. He looked into ancient methods of meditation and mindfulness originating from Asia. Hanna came to the conclusion that many physical and mental ailments could be attributed to a ‘disconnect’ between the body and mind. He sought to educate others regarding this phenomenon.

Due to Hanna’s work, somatic exercise gained traction in the western world. Mind-body awareness exercises from Asia such as yoga and tai chi continue to be popular modalities for fitness and health to this day. The practitioner achieves a relationship between mind and body by focusing on the inner self; they take into account how they’re feeling as they move through each pose. Other popular methods that were developed in the West include Laban movement analysis and the Feldenkrais method. Laban movement analysis helps a person better understand the relationship between the body and the space it inhabits. Developed by a dancer in Germany, it is still used amongst a wide array of athletes in the present day. The Feldenkrais method involves using movement and awareness to stimulate brain activity. Considered an alternative form of medicine in the clinical setting, it can help create neural pathways that improve cognition and well-being.

Somatic exercise is a beneficial addition to any wellness regimen, but can be particularly helpful to those experiencing PTSD, chronic stress, anxiety, and depression. Somatics have been shown to increase emotional awareness and physical mobility while significantly reducing pain and fatigue symptoms. If you are the aforementioned stressed office worker, take a few seconds to close your eyes, sit up tall, and slowly roll your shoulders forward and back. Think about how you feel inwardly and focus on your breathing. With each roll of the shoulders, allow the tension to ease and relax. This simple exercise is somatics at its core: awareness of how the body and mind are interconnected. Whether performing tai chi or engaging in a clinical mindfulness exercise, somatic exercise can be a great alternative form of medicine.

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Topics: stress relief stretching posture stress management wellness-based lifestyle

Senior Living Lifestyle: Identify Your Wellness Champion

This series features insights on developing a robust wellness-based lifestyle at your community. Some content will cover practical tips and some will identify barriers to achieving success meant to spark conversation within your community. In part 1, I talked about defining wellness and the importance of how you use that word in branding. Read on for part 2.

Staff who work in senior living communities are some of the most compassionate, dedicated, and often creative people you will meet. Their plates are full, their to-do lists are long, and it can be a heavy lift to bring down the silos between departments, which is necessary to truly cultivate balanced lifestyle offerings for residents.

The problem is not that the staff are resistant to meeting with other stakeholders in resident well-being, having more dialogue, or planning differently. (Notice here I said planning differentlynot planning more. That is the key to this approach.) It’s that there is often a missing link in bringing these different people, talents, and departments together in a sustainable fashion.

Identify a Wellness Champion

ThisGettyImages-985893328 (1) is where it is critical that communities identify their wellness champion. This person can act as a catalyst in eliminating the silos and bringing everyone together to work from a unified vision of how lifestyle offerings and services are delivered to residents.

In NIFS’ case, where our staff members are regularly referring residents to therapy and the Registered Dietitian, or collaborating with activities or dining staff, shifting our onsite Fitness Manager’s focus to a Wellness Coordinator role has been a great fit in many client settings. It’s often a natural progression because residents and other departments are already accustomed to our staff bringing people together and fostering collaboration.

Our degreed and certified staff act as educators with community staff, and they also learn how to best tap into the personal passions and interests of the team members to improve buy-in to the process. After all, they’ve already been working with many of these stakeholders for some time on other programs. Now they are simply bringing everyone to the table with improved consistency and more structure.

Here are three tips when considering how to identify your wellness champion:

  • Your champion should talk the talk and walk the walk if they are going to advocate for the message of wellness and collaboration for your community. Ask yourself, “Who would be a good spokesperson at our community to message our wellness program to prospective residents?”
  • Your champion should have strong communication and interpersonal skills to foster collaboration among your wellness team. They should be able to determine how to tap into the personal passions and talents of those on the team to leverage strengths and improve buy-in.
  • Your champion should be well organized and have strong attention to detail. After all, they are the individual responsible for keeping the team organized, establishing timelines for special events, tracking completion of tasks, and more. The champion is once again that catalyst bringing everyone together and being responsible for maintaining cohesion among the team, so they must be organized.

Help from NIFS Consulting Services

Does your community need support identifying who your wellness champion is or how to shift roles and responsibilities to support this type of position? NIFS consulting services can help you answer those questions and many more to support a collaborative approach to wellness planning.

Find out more about NIFS Consulting Services >

Topics: nifs staff lifestyle philosophy in senior living nifs wellness consulting wellness-based lifestyle wellness branding wellness coordinator nifs consulting services

Senior Living Lifestyle: Don’t Let Wellness Definition Limit Potential

What Does Wellness Mean to You?

Wellness might be one of the most overstated and broadly defined terms in the senior living industry—at least in how it is modeled from one community to the next—and it can be exhausting trying to keep up. At community A, wellness might refer to your health service offices, therapy gym, or clinician staff; whereas wellness at community B might refer to your fitness spaces and programming. Neither of those models is wrong. Neither of those models is necessarily correct, either.

GettyImages-1161759077 (1)When we’re talking about whole-person well-being, it isn’t just the health care options available, or the fitness program offerings. Communities should be cautious about how narrowly they define “wellness” when connecting it to their physical spaces or services. This can have a significant impact in the messaging of your community culture to your residents and prospective residents. Supporting resident well-being should flow through every nook, cranny, department, and service under your roof; however, many communities miss opportunities because they want the word “wellness” labeled on a space or department.

Wellness Branding Barriers

Here are some remarks I’ve heard from communities through our consulting work, where they have unknowingly created barriers for themselves.

We can’t brand our lifestyle and wellness offerings because…

  • “We call our clinic our Wellness Center, and it will confuse residents.”
    You are right. If you want to put emphasis on sick care as opposed to preventative lifestyle offerings, this would cause confusion.
  • “We call our fitness room our Wellness Center, and it will confuse residents.”
    Once again, you are right. This sends the message to residents that the only space to support their well-being is associated with physical exercise.
  • “Our monthly “wellness newsletter” promotes our fitness offerings.”
    Once again, your communication channels with residents and how you promote monthly activities carry a connotation.

Slapping the term wellness on physical spaces, services, and communication channels narrows the potential, perspective, and understanding of how your community creates purpose and intention in resident lives. It also perpetuates the silos for staff and departments who have a stake in resident well-being, keeping them from seeing the potential of how their buy-in and collaboration can make an impact. (We’ll talk more about that collaboration piece in part 3 of this blog series.)

Questions for Starting a Wellness Branding Dialogue

Ask yourself these three questions as a guide in sparking dialogue in your community:

  • What person, space, or services would come to mind for our residents if we use the word wellness?
  • Does this connotation of wellness create opportunity for a broad application of purposeful lifestyle choices that spans the interests and passions of all residents?
  • What barriers can we identify that limit our potential for broadening that definition of wellness?

Identifying your current model and barriers is your first step in making positive change toward more effectively use that term “wellness” to your community’s advantage. And now that you’ve defined and branded wellness, part 2 of this series talks about the importance of designating a staff wellness champion for your community.

Wellness Consulting from NIFS

Need some support? NIFS provides wellness consulting to senior living communities across the US. Visit our website and download the “What to Expect from a NIFS Consulting Visit” for more information.

Find out more about NIFS Consulting Services >

Topics: senior living communities senior living fitness center communication lifestyle philosophy in senior living nifs wellness consulting wellness-based lifestyle wellness branding

Transcending Generations with Wellness in One Word

NIFS is participating in the Wellness in One Word campaign sponsored by Monarch Collaborations and the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA). The campaign will launch a digital photo gallery during Active Aging Week on October 1 – October 7, 2019 of individuals taking a picture or selfie while holding up their defined word of what wellness means to them in that moment. The goal is to collect and share 1,000 pictures to connect people, spark discussion and create a strong sense of community amongst participants across the world.

It is fascinating to think how this “word” can change for us so many times throughout the day depending on life’s stressors, our interactions with others, what we are able to accomplish in that day, etc.. It’s also interesting how this “word” might be felt or interpreted by different generations.

Emily.GratefulWhen I asked our NIFS team members to share their “word”, I received submissions of vitality, fulfillment, longevity, power, and balance. Our staff join our team from all walks of life and personal and professional experiences, yet their commonality is a strong desire and passion to work with seniors. Through providing individualized exercise services and teaching a variety of exercise classes, our staff are building relationships and helping improve the quality of life for older adults across the country. The tone and context of their submissions was similarly unified.

When I first started my career with NIFS, I managed a fitness program for a senior living client on the south side of Indianapolis. During my time at the community, I enjoyed sharing personal milestones with the residents of purchasing our first home, celebrating our first wedding anniversary, becoming pregnant with our first child and receiving a job promotion. As a young professional in that environment surrounded by active older adults with so many stories to tell about their own life experiences and rich histories, it helped me gain a strong perspective in how much one should truly cherish those milestones and experiences. While my job was to teach and lead the residents in various fitness programs, I learned so much from them in this perspective that I have carried with me through my career and life.

We can reflect on the emotional highs and lows of a given day or a given hour of a day when our words might be anxious, happy, excited, or accomplished. When it comes down to focusing on our overall well-being and pursuing a life of purpose and intention, I believe the “words” our staff are feeling transcend all generations whether you are a young professional at 23 beginning your career or an 83-year-old taking a balance class in a senior living community. The NIFS team is learning valuable lessons in how to appreciate those universal truths for all of us pursuing vitality, fulfillment, longevity, and balance. As I personally reflect on this campaign, our teams’ work serving older adults across the country, and what my “word” will be, I chose grateful.

Follow us on Facebook to see some of our Wellness in One Word submissions.

Topics: senior wellness continuing care retirement community active aging active aging week, inspiration wellness-based lifestyle