Corporate Fitness and Active Aging

Perspective Is Everything: Embracing Life's Journey in Your Later Years

GettyImages-1390899974In the golden years of life, one's perspective becomes a cherished companion, guiding the way through memories and new experiences. The importance of perspective for senior citizens cannot be overstated. It can shape the quality of their lives, influence well-being, and contribute significantly to a fulfilling and joyous retirement. In this blog, we'll delve into the significance of perspective for seniors and explore how cultivating a positive outlook can enhance their overall happiness and life satisfaction. 

The Power of Perspective

As individuals age, they often encounter changes in health, lifestyle, and social dynamics. These shifts can be challenging, but the lens through which these changes are viewed can make all the difference. Rather than focusing solely on limitations, a positive perspective allows seniors to see opportunities for growth, adaptation, and continued engagement with life. This shift fosters resilience and a proactive approach to navigating the evolving landscape of aging.

Cultivating Gratitude

Gratitude has the transformative ability to elevate one’s perspective at any age. For seniors, reflecting on a lifetime of experiences and expressing appreciation for the lessons learned and relationships forged can bring profound fulfillment. Embracing gratitude allows seniors to recognize the richness of their journey, promoting a positive outlook that positively impacts mental and emotional well-being.

Tips for Practicing Gratitude:

  • Keep a gratitude journal, noting daily positives.
  • Share stories of meaningful moments with friends or family.
  • Engage in community service, giving back can enhance feelings of gratitude.

Finding Purpose in Retirement

A positive perspective instills a sense of purpose, a vital element for seniors entering retirement. Whether through volunteer work, pursuing hobbies, or spending quality time with loved ones, maintaining a sense of purpose contributes to a meaningful life. By viewing retirement as an opportunity for new beginnings rather than an endpoint, seniors can embark on this chapter with enthusiasm and renewed passion.

Nurturing Social Connections

The importance of social connections for seniors cannot be emphasized enough. A positive perspective enhances the quality of these relationships, fostering community and mutual support. Engaging with friends, family, and the broader community provides opportunities for shared experiences, laughter, and emotional well-being. By valuing social connections and maintaining an open-minded perspective, seniors can combat feelings of isolation and cultivate a rich tapestry of relationships.

Embracing Change

Life is dynamic, and adapting to change is a constant reality. Seniors who approach change with a positive perspective are better equipped to navigate challenges, whether it’s adjusting to a new living arrangement, embracing technology, or adapting to changing health conditions. A flexible and optimistic mindset allows seniors to face transitions with resilience and grace.

The Power of Mindfulness

In the later years of life, mindfulness becomes a powerful tool for staying present and savoring the richness of each moment. By cultivating awareness and living in the present, seniors can appreciate the beauty in small, everyday experiences. This mindful perspective fosters gratitude for the simple joys that make life meaningful.

A New Dawn of Possibilities

As the sun sets on one chapter of life, a new dawn emerges, filled with possibilities. The importance of perspective for seniors lies in its power to shape their narratives. A positive outlook not only enhances emotional well-being but also opens doors to a life filled with purpose, gratitude, and meaningful connections.

Embrace your golden perspective! Reflect on your journey, share your stories, and engage with your community. Remember, it’s never too late to shift your outlook and discover the beauty of this stage of life.

By navigating the complexities of aging with resilience, grace, and an enduring zest for life, seniors can truly thrive.

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Senior Living Operators – Rally Your Communities for a Great Cause!

2024 PUMP IT SOCIAL (6)The National Institute for Fitness and Sport (NIFS) has partnered with NuStep to host a free event on World Parkinson’s Day, Thursday, April 11, 2024, to raise awareness on the benefits of exercise for those fighting back against Parkinson’s. We have a big goal of achieving 10 million steps on the NuStep to honor the 10 million people living with Parkinson’s worldwide.

If your organization would like to rally your communities to join our cause and demonstrate a commitment to resident well-being through education and exercise, we’d love for you to make a Pump it Pledge on how many steps your organization plans to contribute! You can calculate your organization’s Pledge with 3 simple steps:

  1. Identify how many of your communities will be participating.
  2. Identify how many NuSteps are available at those communities to Pump it with us!
  3. Estimate each of those NuSteps taking 30,000 steps on April 11!

This outcome will be your organization’s Pump it Pledge and we’d like to thank you for your contribution by featuring you on our event social posts and in upcoming blogs spotlighting our wonderful supporters! Email Emily Davenport with your Pump it Pledge and for resources your organization can share about the event with your communities, residents, and social followers!

Communities can register at our event page linked here. With 100% of survey participants reporting the event created buzz and engaged their residents in a new way in 2023, your communities are sure to have fun as they contribute to a great cause!

We have also partnered with Team Fox for an optional fundraising element in 2024 for the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. Individuals or communities in this component can find more information here on our Pump it fundraising team!

Share with your community leaders


Topics: senior living communities activities calendar senior living Parkinson's Disease Pump It for Parkinson's

Balance Training Tools: Cost effecive options (Part 2)

GettyImages-1355067412What is great about practicing balance is there are multiple ways to do so without breaking the bank. In part I of this blog series we talked about investment training tools utilizing technology but let's review three cost-effective methods regarding balance training senior living communities can implement in their programming. When participating in any type of training program, it may be important to analyze why we are implementing certain exercises. An individual may want to incorporate balance training for increased stability while moving, preventing falls from occurring, as well as ease their mind when exercising.

Balance classes or one-on-one balance prescriptions can be great opportunities for residents to improve their stability and confidence and these budget-friendly solutions can provide significant variety with the right fitness specialist knowing how to program them safely with participants.

  • Paper Plates or Foot Slides – Paper plates are known for eating with, did you know they can be used to train our balance as well? When utilizing paper plates, individuals have the ability to practice unilateral movements at the lower extremity. Practicing unilateral movements falls under balance training due to our legs holding a portion of our bodyweight as we exercise. An individual places one foot on the paper plate and their other foot stays planted on the ground. Once in position, the individual moves the foot that is on top of the paper plate causing the paper plate to move. An advantage paper plates have over foam pads is the ability to move in multiple planes of motion as well! Foot slides are another option with these types of movements. One key difference is that foot slides are not nearly as wide as paper plates for foot placement, requiring more precision for an individual to utilize once they reach a comfortable level with their balance. With this precision, comes more effort required from the individual when moving in any plane of motion.

  • Foam Pads – Utilizing foam pads is a popular cost-effective method to training balance. One key difference foam pads have is their unstable surface compared to the stability of the floor. As soon as an individual takes their initial step on to the foam pad, they may notice immediately that their ankles are having to work to keep them upright as well as balance on the foam pad. Foam pad implementation may drive a significant increase in tendon health at the ankle joint as well as tolerance for keeping our balance for future reference. An advantage that foam pads have over foot slides is that foam pads can be started bilaterally opposed to unilaterally making it applicable for beginners looking to improve their balance!

  • Masking Tape – This may be the most cost-effective and versatile option of them all. Placing tape on the ground in ladder formations or different grids for a variety of stepping patterns can be highly effective for weight shifting, coordination, and footwork exercises. It can provide wonderful visual cues on where you want the participant to step and with it being flush to the ground, it doesn’t pose a tripping hazard as other equipment might where you are stepping on a disc or foam pad. Again, the right ingenuity by a qualified fitness professional can help this inexpensive “tool” go a long way in training options with residents.  

Join us during Falls Prevention Week as we help communities across the country host our Empowerment Workshop giving the confidence to residents by providing the tools and resources they need to get up from a fall. Learn more about how your community can host this FREE Program here!

NIFS Empowerment Workshop: Learn More Here

Topics: senior living communities equipment balance redefined balance training for seniors NIFS Empowerment Workshop

A Special Pledge to Pump it from Brio Living Services

Brio PIFP Pledge_Social 1The National Institute for Fitness and Sport (NIFS) is thrilled to have the support of the Brio Pledge as part of Pump it for Parkinson’s on World Parkinson’s Day! This nationwide event is promoting the benefits for exercise for those living with Parkinson’s Disease and 140+ senior living providers across the US are participating. Brio Living Services has committed a pledge of 60,000 steps on the NuStep Cross Trainers which their communities will track on Tuesday, April 11.

Participating Brio locations will be Chelsea Retirement Community in Chelsea, Michigan, The Cedars of Dexter in Dexter, Michigan, and Porter Hills Village and Cook Valley Estates both in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Communities will enjoy learning more about the second most common, age-related neurodegenerative condition at the Parkinson’s Education Station and employees and residents will be able to contribute steps on the NuStep Cross Trainer to go towards the Brio Pledge. NIFS is grateful for the support and collaboration of all four communities working together towards our larger goal of one million steps. This is a strong example of how not only residents can unite within a community to raise awareness but how a network of communities can unite for an even bigger impact! The Brio Pledge is a testament to the strong leadership in Brio communities and their commitment to creating healthy programming and vibrant living options for their residents.

Nicole Maag is Chief of Residential Services with Brio supported the Pledge! Brio Living Services is delighted to join the National Institute for Fitness and Sport (NIFS) and NuStep to celebrate Pump it for Parkinson’s on April 11. NIFS is a valued partner of Brio, providing wellness instruction for our residents at Chelsea Retirement Community, Cook Valley Estates, The Cedars of Dexter, and Porter Hills Village. Our residents and team members are honored to join in NIFS’ challenge of one million steps for the one million people in the U.S. who are living with Parkinson’s Disease. We hope to promote awareness for the important benefits of exercise for all of us as we age.

NIFS Fitness Manager Tyler Forbes is pumped for the event at his communities! On behalf of the fitness department here at Porter Hills Village and Cook Valley Estates we are beyond thrilled to team up and participate in the upcoming Pump it for Parkinson's event. We see the value in overall awareness of this disease and how support for those dealing with it can make such a huge impact. We are ready to ROCK!

NIFS Fitness Manager Tylene Costello has big plans for a successful event! Chelsea Retirement Community is very excited to participate because it has brought our AL, IL, memory care, and rehabilitation areas together to collaborate on this program.  We have the same goal which is to bring awareness of the benefits of exercise for those suffering from Parkinson’s.  This will be a fun way for our residents and team members to exercise in this social assembly.

NIFS Assistant Director Lindsay Knox was honored to help The Cedars of Dexter plan! The beauty of Pump it for Parkinson’s is how creative we can be to make it fun for the residents and fit the needs of the community. I can’t wait to see what the residents at The Cedars of Dexter accomplish!

NIFS wishes Brio communities the best of luck for a successful and fun event with your residents and employees and we thank you for participating!

If you are an operator or network of communities looking for a collaborative event, competition, or challenge to unite your communities and spark engagement, contact the senior wellness pros at NIFS Fitness Management.

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Topics: senior living communities resident wellness programs resident engagement Bold Moves Pump It for Parkinson's

How many steps a day should I really be getting?

GettyImages-623825560 (1)Why 10,000 steps a day?

10,000 steps per day has become a well-known exercise recommendation to achieve better health, but how important is it to aim for that many steps per day? Some people feel that in everyday life, 10k steps isn’t very attainable and while that may feel true, that is exactly why the bar is set so high. Older adults, along with most other age groups live a mostly sedentary lifestyle and walking is one of the simplest exercises that can be recommended for someone looking to get more movement in their day. So why 10,000 steps instead of 1,000 or 5,000? Basically, studies are showing us that the more movement we have, the more our risk for several health issues decreases. For example, this journal was published linking 10,000 steps per day to less cardiovascular disease (heart disease, stroke and heart failure), 13 types of cancer, and dementia. For a healthy, older adult, 7,000-10,000 steps are ideal. However, keep in mind that if you currently live with a disability or chronic illness, your step recommendation may be different. Talk to your doctor before starting an exercise plan and setting a step goal to make sure that is the right plan for you!  

Building up to 10,000 steps

 The great news is that some steps are better than no steps, but we should all certainly be aiming for more since the average American only gets about 3,000 steps per day! Maybe you are reading this blog because you have been given the goal of 10,000 steps per day, but you aren’t sure how to achieve it. So, let’s talk about it! First, it is probably a good idea to invest in a pedometer. These can be purchased online or in stores or can use your smartphone app (most have a built-in step counter!). Better yet, if you have access to fitness professionals, tap into their knowledge and set a plan.

Here is an example of how NIFS Fitness staff might encourage a member to build steps:

  • First, find your baseline. Spend a few days tracking your steps to see what your average per day step count is. Do not try to get more steps on these days because that will skew your actual average.
  • Second, focus on adding 250-500 steps each day or every other day so you can feel how your body responds.
  • If 250 additional steps each day leaves you feeling sore and fatigued, do not add more steps for 2-3 days, but maintain that additional 250 instead.
  • Once your soreness has subsided, add another 250 steps to your daily count.

 Creative ways to add steps:

  • Are you a member of a fitness center? Take an extra lap around the track or add a 1–2-minute cool down to your treadmill work out.
  • Carve out time daily to get outdoors to walk around the block or walk the park path. Invite a friend along.
  • Consider setting an alarm to remind you to get up and get moving!
  • Going shopping? Park your car a couple of spots further away to add steps (unless it is icy or raining- then you need to park closer!)
  • Stuck at home? You can do seated steps! At every TV commercial, sit up straight in your chair and start marching those arms and legs!

Senior living communities with robust fitness centers offer residents a variety of fun and unique ways to stay active along with traditional fitness, like biking, swimming, and strength training so that walking doesn’t have to be the only option to stay active. It is good to become aware of the number of steps you take because it benefits your health and the simple act of being conscious toward your step count is a great start. Having a goal to achieve a certain number of steps each day can have lasting improvements in many aspects of your life and if you find exercises that are fun for you, you will notice that achieving your step goals will be easier. Additionally, the effects of goal setting and attaining those goals you established can improve self-confidence and motivation toward exercise. You can even challenge your friends, family, or peers to see who can reach the highest steps each day. Keeping exercise interesting, fun, and attainable is important to staying engaged and committed to improving your health.

What are some ways you have managed to be less sedentary and get in your steps most days of the week?

 Strategies to engage residents in Fitness programs

Topics: walking senior living communities senior fitness senior living wellness programs walking tips starting a walking program

NIFS Pump it for Parkinson’s: A Special Event, 15 years in the making!

PI4P logo_final-01Register your community for our FREE educational event and get your residents pumping for Parkinson's Disease as we raise awareness!

Get Registered

Over 15 years ago, I remember sitting down at the computer in my senior living client’s fitness center and Googling, “exercises for Parkinson’s disease”. I had a new resident move-in with Parkinson’s and though I’m a certified and degreed exercise physiologist, I wanted to make sure I understood how to support her needs. Her name was Carolyn and I still remember her smile.

I now work at the operational level for NIFS supporting dozens of senior living clients and team members across the country. I benefit from a bird’s eye view of hearing successes and challenges impacting our communities and what residents want in their fitness center. I was continuing to hear requests from clients and staff for Parkinson’s resources. Our clients wanting a quality, yet manageable program that stands up to their brand promise in helping residents live well, and from our staff feeling like there were missed opportunities to better engage these residents.

Our staff are degreed fitness professionals, but those credentials don’t tell the full story of who they are as people. They are intuitive and gifted in relationship building with their members. They shared stories of individuals with Parkinson’s trying an existing balance class and noticing they weren’t coming back. They shared stories of what they were witnessing in the emotional needs of these residents who can also experience fatigue and depression.

As a prospective or current resident with a diagnosis speaks to our clients or staff, we want them to feel confidently met with exercise options that they know are designed for their needs. This is where Bold Moves was born. We spent over a year researching, completing specialized certifications, and meeting with our team to learn not only how to better support the exercise needs of those with Parkinson’s, but in a way that we know is manageable in a senior living fitness environment. We know the equipment, spaces, personnel, and resources commonly in place and created safe and empowering programming with Bold Moves that our staff could apply across different client settings.

Many think they have classes and one-on-one services that residents with Parkinson’s can participate in already. This was our line of thinking too. But after implementing Bold Moves, the level of engagement by residents with Parkinson’s skyrocketed. In the first two months of the program, we saw a 96% increase in group fitness participation by these individuals having a dedicated class on the calendar uniquely designed for their training needs. We have also seen a 100%+ increase in completion of our one-on-one exercise prescription service. These residents are regularly engaging in their community’s fitness centers more and it’s amazing to see how far we’ve come since the days of that simple Google search looking for resources!

We were so pumped by these outcomes; we wanted to celebrate and share resources to help more communities support their residents. On World Parkinson’s Day, we are going BIG with Pump it for Parkinson’s. During this nationwide event on Tuesday, April 11, senior living providers will come together, utilize complimentary programming materials to host their NuStep step-a-thon, and receive expert resources from NIFS to continue supporting their residents with Parkinson’s. Don’t have a NuStep in your community? That’s OK. We can find opportunities utilizing the equipment you do have. It is estimated that one million people are living in the US with Parkinson’s and our goal is to come together and complete at least one million steps on the NuStep as we Pump it for Parkinson’s. In addition to the great Parkinson’s resources including instructional videos for your fitness staff and education from NIFS Registered Dietitian, your community will also have an opportunity to win a free NuStep T6 Cross Trainer in thanks to our partnership with NuStep! We are thankful for our industry partners with NuStep, ICAA and Wellzesta who are helping us spread the word about this event so more communities can join us. For more information and to register your community, visit our Pump it for Parkinson’s page here.

Learn More: Pump It for Parkinson's

Topics: fitness programs for seniors senior living communities senior living wellness programs Parkinson's Disease Bold Moves Pump It for Parkinson's

NIFS Announces Pump It for Parkinson's: A Senior Living Event

The National Institute for Fitness and Sport (NIFS) presents Pump It for Parkinson’s on World Parkinson’s Day, April 11, 2023. NIFS has partnered with NuStep inviting senior living communities across the country to take part in this event to raise awareness on the benefits of exercise for individuals with Parkinson’s. Pump It for Parkinson’s will be a day-long NuStep challenge for senior communities striving to achieve 30,000 steps on their NuStep.

Emily Davenport, NIFS Director of Fitness Center Management, said, “communities can rally their entire campus by bringing together their residents and employees to accomplish the goal!” NIFS will provide communities with a complimentary programming packet including tracking tools, promotional content, and educational resources they need to get their residents excited. The event’s goal is to accrue 1 million steps representing the 1 million people in the US living with Parkinson’s!

“Whether this event is a community’s first program dedicated to supporting residents with Parkinson’s or a fun add-on to existing offerings, we want to provide resources as they continue to help residents fight back against Parkinson’s,” said Davenport. Participating communities will also receive a Parkinson’s fitness toolkit of resources and videos they can use in their fitness center. Communities that want to get involved need to register here.

“We’re pleased to partner with NIFS and support their event, Pump It for Parkinson’s. And we’re honored that participants will be using NuStep cross trainers throughout the day to demonstrate the importance of exercise for people with Parkinson’s," said NuStep Vice President of Marketing and Product Development, Tobey Thelen. As an added incentive, thanks to NuStep and NIFS, communities may be eligible to win a NuStep T6 Cross Trainer for participating in Pump It for Parkinson's.

Nearly 10 million individuals are living with Parkinson’s Disease worldwide and each year 90,000 Americans are diagnosed with this degenerative condition. Three years ago, NIFS embarked on developing a comprehensive fitness program to meet the unique needs of residents with Parkinson’s Disease for their senior living community clients. From this, Bold Moves programming specifically designed for residents with Parkinson’s was born.

NIFS would like to thank strategic partners, NuStep and Wellzesta, for supporting Pump It for Parkinson’s and their help in creating awareness of the unique fitness needs residents with Parkinson’s Disease have.

To find out more about Fitness Center Management by NIFS, call (317) 274-3432, email Emily Davenport.

NuStep is a leading manufacturer of recumbent cross-trainers used in healthcare, senior living, and fitness settings worldwide.

Communities can learn more about this complimentary program and register for the event by clicking the button below!

Learn More: Pump It for Parkinson's

Follow the event on our Facebook page: Pump It for Parkinson's

Topics: senior living communities senior living wellness programs senior lliving activities calendar senior living Parkinson's Disease Bold Moves Pump It for Parkinson's

Outsourcing Your Senior Living Fitness Center with The Pros

GettyImages-649787946The senior living industry has been fervently moving over the past decade to renovate and build fitness centers for their residents and the momentum is only growing.

As reported in Senior Housing News, funding towards wellness real estate increased
by 6.4% from 2015 to $134 billion in sales in 2017 and is projected to grow to $180 billion by 2022.

Now savvy consumers are further moving the needle inquiring about what programs and services are available to residents in those fitness centers. After all, that $180 billion projection for 2022 incorporates “wellness environments” as two meanings…both the physical spaces as well as the human environment and the individuals who residents will have to interact with and receive the support they need.

Having a personal trainer and fitness classes are a great starting point but it leaves a lot on the table to fully reach your entire resident population and not just the able-bodied residents who would likely find a means of being active regardless. Wherever your community might be in your fitness program development, check out these five advantages on how partnering with fitness management experts like NIFS can help you further serve your residents while giving your marketing and sales team a boost in setting your community apart from your competition.


  1. Fall Prevention Programming
    NIFS comprehensive Balance Redefined program provides residents with a variety of balance training and fall prevention services year round. From balance exercise prescriptions to balance classes and educational workshops to closely collaborating with therapy, residents gain confidence and skills to maintain their independence and live well.

  2. Fitness Center Layout And Design
    Having a fitness center is one thing and having a well-designed fitness center with equipment that is functional, safe and laid out in a way that supports the scope of programming available to your residents is another. There are many manufacturers who claim to meet these needs but be cautious in the selection process. Our experience with dozens of equipment vendors, communities, etc., allows us to support clients in making choices on equipment and the layout of their space that best meets the needs of their residents.

  3. Marketing & Sales Partners
    Resident successes and engaging programming happen every day in your fitness center but getting those stories into the hands of your marketing and sales team can be a challenge. We provide clients with monthly resources for social media posting on current programs, health observances, etc., as well as routine reports summarizing program successes and resident accomplishments so they can help prospects not only see your physical spaces but learn about the offerings and resident accomplishments.

  4. AL/SNF Programming
    We all know communities are selling a lifestyle promise to residents wherever they might be in their aging journey and as healthcare needs change, so do fitness program needs and available resources. Our staff are readily teaching classes, providing one-on-one services and bringing programming resources to activities staff in licensed-areas on the campuses we serve. When we build a relationship with a resident in IL, we want to continue that relationship as the resident moves through the continuums.

  5. Robust Programming
    Even in communities where they have hired an FTE in-house to manage their program, we have learned that the limited resources available to that individual limits the potential for programming and services. We are regularly bringing residents fresh new offerings every single month to keep them inspired and asking us what’s next. With a network of like-minded professionals across the country, a NIFS fitness manager is plugged into new ideas, resources and trends that help bring a variety of wellness and fitness offerings to residents efficiently and with consistency.
Much like an individual’s own fitness journey, taking small steps can add up to making big strides in enhancing your community’s fitness program. Explore opportunities to build upon your existing successes and resident favorites and identify what resources you need to further expand and broaden your program’s impact.

Looking for a partner to help you in that exploration process? Contact NIFS for more information on our Fitness Management and Consulting Services.

Is outsourcing fitness center management right for your community?

Topics: senior fitness management senior living communities senior fitness fitness center for seniors improving senior fitness

A Well Rounded Self-Care Routine

With extra time at home, are you looking for ways to enrich your day to day life? Practicing self-care allows you to use this time in social isolation to take care of yourself and help reduce stress you might have over our current situation.

Self-Care is the practice of taking deliberate action to encourage growth or maintain one’s own health. This can be your physical, mental, or emotional health, or any combination thereof! Some basic categories to use in practicing your self-care are eating, sleeping, socializing, exercising, and stimulating your mind. All of these are important to your health, but there are many ways of addressing them.

Practicing self-care by focusing on eating can look like these:

  • consulting a Registered Dietician to make sure that your specific food needs are being met while you’re at home
  • taking the time to make your favorite meal or trying out a new healthy smoothie recipe
  • personally, I like to make sure I drink enough water every day by slicing fruit and having flavored water whenever I want

Focusing on sleep can mean:

  • creating a consistent bedtime routine
  • try a face mask and a calming cup of tea to relax before bed
  • simply prioritize getting enough sleep each night, roughly 8 hours is a good goal

GettyImages-1137196547 (1)Socializing might look different now than it used to, but you can still enjoy time with others!

  • Our phones and computers allow us to text, call, and even video chat with people around the world.
  • Try sending cards and letters in the mail. Do you have beautiful stationery and cards that have been sitting around? Now is the time to send them to someone and spread joy!

We all know exercise is important for more than just your physical health.

  • if you enjoy spending time outside, try taking a walk!
  • try yoga outdoors or in your own home
  • look for online exercise options like written workouts or classes that you can follow along with

Mental stimulation can look very different for everyone.

  • meditation, journaling, and painting are all great options
  • you can enjoy reading books or maybe try joining an online book club
  • brain teasers, crossword puzzles, and online trivia competitions are great options
  • include meditation or a daily Bible study in your routine

Many self-care options cover more than one of these categories. Drawing a nice bath with scented candles after exercising can help you relax before bed and wrap up a hard workout. Baking a treat and delivering it to a neighbor provides you mental stimulation and some socialization while giving your neighbor a nice surprise! Make today special by focusing on yourself and practicing self-care to preserve and promote your health in a way that works for you.

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Topics: senior wellness programs senior living communities

Kicking off 2020 with the 5 Star Fit Club

GettyImages-494388997 (1)It should come as no surprise that most people aim to improve their lives in one way or another with the start of a new year. Particularly when it comes to focusing on better health and fitness, January’s clean slate seems to be the ideal time to get back on track and into shape immediately following the busy holiday season and prolonged period of indulgence. This seems to be a universal practice as we have found that to be no exception for our members and residents in senior living communities!

NIFS partners with communities across the US to manage their fitness center programming. Similar to most public gyms, our staff also notice patterns related to New Year’s resolutions. In the first few days of January we have come to expect an influx of participation, but these numbers start to decline after a few weeks as old routines creep back and resolutions are abandoned.

Knowing how to set goals, find motivation, build better habits, and remain consistent are all huge components of why so many “resolution-setters” fail. In fact, one study conducted by the University of Scranton suggests that only 8% of people stick to their resolutions, so we saw this as an opportunity to better support the communities and residents we serve and developed NIFS Five Star Fit Club. We piloted this program in ten communities for the first time in January 2019 and it resulted in:

  • Total visits: An average increase of 21% in total resident participation to the fitness centers in January 2019 compared to January 2018.
  • Group Fitness Visits: An average increase of 28% in participation in group fitness classes in January 2019 compared to January 2018.
  • Appointment Volume: Resident engagement increased by 135% in the number of appointments conducted in January 2019 compared to January 2018.
  • New Members: Across the communities, a total of 43 residents began participating in their fitness center for the first time as a direct result of the Five Star Fit Club program.

This incentive program is three weeks long and includes both a personalized assessment and exercise prescription as well as an interactive workshop where residents learn how to effectively change their habits and routines. Additionally, members are encouraged to visit their community’s fitness center independently and attend a set number of group fitness classes. The premise of the program is for participants to earn five stars over the three-week period by participating in the mentioned programs and services. In doing so they are being recognized and rewarded, experiencing accountability, and sensing small wins all while creating sustainable healthy habits and routines to keep them on track for the remainder of the year!5-Star Fit Club

In 2020, even more NIFS clients are kicking off the New Year with the 5-Star Fit Club and we look forward to hearing about the healthy habits and lifestyle choices residents adopt. Robust programs like the 5-Star Fit Club are a great way for senior living providers to support resident well-being while increasing utilization of amenities such as their fitness centers and pools. Click here for some other programming twists brought to NIFS clients.

Get Our Guide to Successful Fitness Programs

Topics: fitness programs for seniors senior living communities NIFS programs adding fun to senior fitness