Corporate Fitness and Active Aging

How NIFS Became Experts in Digital Fitness Content for Older Adults

GettyImages-1487770785The quick answer, we became experts because we have been specializing in this population for over 20 years in our work in senior living communities. It takes time and dedication to develop a niche as strong as what NIFS has within an industry. We have been part of the wellness evolution as fitness centers were included in renovations and master plans and communities looked to staffing and programming models to help their residents use these amenities safely. We’ve further witnessed consumer options evolve in the senior living landscape with more choices than ever before on where older adults choose to live including 55+ neighborhoods, IL communities, to lifeplan communities. Each environment has its own priorities and challenges in supporting the health and fitness needs of the residents who live there but all understand the necessity of providing vibrant lifestyles. The industry is expected to grow by $100 billion by 2027 alone which means more even more options for consumers. That’s where NIFS Wellness Companion comes into play as a solution in fitness, nutrition and wellness resources that seamlessly plug into the needs of senior living communities.

What makes NIFS niche in senior living special? It comes down to 3 areas of expertise.

  1. We hire degreed professionals and provide them with rigorous training to become specialists in senior fitness. Few fitness professionals on the market possess the skillset to step into a senior living setting and provide aquatics programming, fall prevention services, balance assessments, group fitness classes and the background to prescribe customized exercise plans for someone 70+. NIFS staff report their skillset unique to older adult programming increases by 75% in their first year upon joining our team and 90% of these team members already possess a degree in exercise science. The needs of your residents and program are truly a specialization.
  2. Because we have worked in senior living for over 20 years with our fitness management clients, we know the players and we know the motivations in your community. Your lifestyle director is a jack of all trades often playing a role with activities, the concierge, transportation and outings. They love making their residents happy and are stretched on time and resources. Marketing and sales know that the ability to showcase a vibrant lifestyle is essential to their ability to meet occupancy goals. Your nursing staff knows that residents who are physically active and engaged can stay independent longer while decreasing fall risks
  3. We know your residents. We know that you have several different populations living within your community ranging from those in their late 60’s to 100+. We know that it takes variety in programs and the right approach to effectively engage them in what is being offered. This is truly where our specialization in creating content and programs is rooted. We understand the interests, barriers and goals of seniors and we have spent two decades flexing our creative muscles to effectively connect residents with education and programming that keeps them regularly engaged.

We have the unique perspective to combine that staff expertise, our understanding of the senior living space and our knowledge of your residents to provide a comprehensive digital content and programming platform in NIFS Wellness Companion that fills the gaps your wellness program may be missing.

Topics: financial fitness fitness center for seniors wellness-based lifestyle community wellness Wellness Companion

Debt Affects Your Health

money stressA recent AP/AOL poll of 1,000 Americans showed increased debt was directly related to increased perceived stress. Among those polled, individuals with the greatest debt exhibited the most physical and psychological health problems linked to their stress levels.

Debt Causes Physical Symptoms

For example, 33 percent of those polled with high debt said they had suffered from high blood pressure, compared with 26 percent of their less-debt-laden peers. Additionally, 51 percent of those with the greatest debt load reported suffering from low back pain and muscle tension. Only 31 percent of their reduced-debt counterparts reported similar symptoms.

Debt Leads to Unhealthy Behaviors

When bank accounts run low and personal debt (credit cards, lines of credit, and so on) runs high, Americans trend toward a host of unhealthy behaviors. Excessive use of alcohol, tobacco, and food (overeating) become coping mechanisms for the super-stressed. It's also common for sleeping patterns to be interrupted as levels of stress rise.

Debt Produces a Self-Care Freeze-Up

In addition, those under financial strain may perceive that they lack funds for self-care, so they choose not to seek medical help for what appear to be small health issues. Those concerns grow with unrelenting stress (they are often linked to one another) so that a small, easily remedied health problem eventually becomes a significant medical concern.

If you are experiencing stress related to being in debt or keeping on budget, follow our Fiscal Fitness Email Series for more tips. You may also want to find someone you know who seems money savvy and get some ideas from them or look online for free resources.

Topics: cholesterol stress disease prevention financial fitness

Financial Stress Impacts Employee Health

This blog was written by Mechelle Meadows. Meet our blogging fitness specialists at the NIFS website.

Fitness and orderly finances. Do they go together? Now try this one: poor health and chronic debt. I bet you can see that relationship more closely. Just as with our health, we need to be proactive about our money and keep our financial lives “in shape.”

financial wellness, stress, wellnessFinancial Problems Cause Stress

It’s no surprise that money, or lack of money, is one of the biggest causes of stress in the human life. Long-term stress can lead to a whole host of health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease, loss of sleep, and depression. Just as you encourage your corporate wellness members to take action now and build healthy physical lifestyles, there are measures they can take to build the health of their finances.

Urge Corporate Wellness Clients to Focus on Their Workouts

This article reports that anywhere from 30% to 80% of employees in any given workforce are taking care of personal financial matters on company time. This means they are probably thinking about their financial dilemmas during their exercise time, too. Urge your corporate wellness members to stay focused on their workouts at the gym and block out distractions. This not only enhances the physical benefits of their workout, but also provides post-exercise mental stress relief.

Other Ways Corporate Wellness Can Help with Financial Worries

Encourage others to examine their resources and have gratitude for their finances, large or small. These positive feelings of contentment can be linked to better mental health.

Also, consider hosting an educational Lunch & Learn at your corporate fitness center, and invite a trustworthy financial consultant to speak. Giving people tips they can use on a daily basis to save money or showing someone how to set up a simple budget can alleviate stress and maybe sickness down the road.

Refer to this website for other “Small Steps to Health and Wealth.”

Topics: corporate wellness corporate fitness stress financial fitness