This blog was written by Kara Gootee. Meet our blogging fitness specialists at the NIFS website.
Like most people, have your resolutions fallen to the wayside, or have you simply forgotten them? It’s no secret that it is easier to be more active during the warmer months. The ability to get up off the couch and get outside is motivation from the sun! Start the month off right by reevaluating your current lifestyle habits and commit (or recommit) to be fit!
Here are some simple ways to commit:
Set a goal. Having something to strive for can help keep you on track to achievement and success. Consider what you enjoy and set a SMART goal.
- Schedule time. If you plan ahead and incorporate physical activity into your schedule, you may be more apt to stick with the plan. Pack your gym bag the night before.
- Walk at lunch. Motivate your coworkers to commit to be fit! Let others know you plan to walk at lunch and ask them to join you. Worksite wellness programs are a perfect place to learn how to incorporate exercise into your day.
- Engage your family. After dinner, strive to get the family involved in a bike ride or a walk through the neighborhood.
How do you make time for physical activity, or what does your company do to encourage employees to have healthier lifestyles?