Aziza joined the Wellness Center when she started her employment in September. In three months she referred four new members to our Corporate Wellness Center and she says she is working on more. I am thrilled to have her as ambassador member of the Wellness Center and also admire her ability to motivate herself and her associates to get more active. Here is her story and hopefully she’ll get you motivated to get moving too.
“I come to the Wellness Center two times per day and right now my motivation is weight loss. When joined Weight Watchers® I realized how important activity was for my goal. Plus the gym is free, so there are NO EXCUSES.” My friends and associates who frequently join me in the Wellness Center are doing Weight Watchers® too. To help motivate them I try to let my actions be an example of my dedication to be fit and healthy. As I tell my friends, “we work in a company that is about wellness, and we have so many resources that we didn’t have before coming to WellPoint so why not take advantage of them?” I also tell them, something is better than nothing.
My motivation to get active started when I joined a kickball team in the fall. I loved playing but I hated the feeling of being out of breath. I knew something had to give. While the team was on a break during the winter I wanted to improve my endurance but I knew it wouldn’t happen overnight. I have a goal I want to accomplish by March (kickball time) and nothing and no one is going to stop me. My plan is to stay active, stick to Weight Watchers®, and drink more water while also cutting back on sweets, junk, and “the white stuff”.
Aziza also admits to having bad days like the rest of us and I think she has a wonderful attitude about these days. Here is what she says about her off days, “I am human, and I know that I will have my “off days” but you just forgive yourself and pick back up. When I get weighed in each week with Weight Watchers®, my number on the scale that day either makes me work harder or lets me know I am on the right track. I have come too far and refuse to let the scale go backwards. I am too determined and have worked too hard.”
It sounds like Aziza has put a lot of thought into what she wants to accomplish and uses this to maintain her motivation. Need motivation like Aziza? Ask yourself exactly why you want to accomplish and determine exactly what actions must be taken to get there. Start with the smallest action to get going.
*Weight loss claims or individual results vary and are not guaranteed.