Corporate Fitness and Active Aging

Getting employees involved in fitness and wellness programming with residents: a win-win strategy!

GettyImages-1222240175Are your fitness and wellness programs reaching your residents, but now you’re wondering how to take your community’s reputation to the next level by demonstrating an even bigger commitment to a healthy, active lifestyle campus-wide? Perhaps it’s time to incorporate a staff component into some of your resident fitness and wellness initiatives! There are several benefits of employees participating in challenges or broader wellness initiatives with residents in your community settings, here are the top 5!

  • Improved Health and Wellness: Regular physical activity is not only beneficial for your residents, but for everyone! By participating in resident fitness and wellness challenges employees too can maintain a healthy weight, reduce their risk of disease, improve their strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health, and improve their overall health and well-being. By participating alongside residents, they’re also more likely to stick to their goals as they become role models, supporters, and more accountable.
  • Team Building: You want a strong collaborative team leading of employees leading the way at your community, right? By including employees into fitness and wellness challenges and encouraging them to work together towards a common goal, you’ll be fostering team building, collaborative programming, communication, and a sense of community which can be beneficial for them in all aspects of their lives, including at work.
  • Enhanced Job Satisfaction: When employees can participate in activities which promote better well-being, they’re likely to experience increased energy levels, decreased stress, improved mood and greater job satisfaction. Increased job satisfaction and morale can lead to greater productivity, and increased employee retention!
  • Positive Impact of Resident Experience: Participating in a challenge alongside one another can foster positive relationships between employees and residents. This provides them with the ability to build rapport with each other and leads to better communication, and enhanced employee-resident interactions. When your residents see that the employees are engaged and committed to healthy habits through participation more residents may be inclined to join in as well, which can improve their health and fitness outcomes and enhance their overall quality of life.
  • Positive Reputation and Retention: By demonstrating a commitment to employee health and well-being, while continuing to promote vibrant lifestyle options for your residents, you will be more apt to attract and retain not only residents, but also a top performing team!

If you wish to have a productive workplace environment and retain top talent, we urge you to open some aspect of your community-wide wellness initiatives to your employees.

Quick tips to help your employees move more


Topics: employee health employee wellness senior fitness management