Corporate Fitness and Active Aging

How to achieve 100 miles in a month

500 Mile Challenge 2023In corporate fitness we find that members love a good team challenge. Whether that's creating teams of 4-5 people to work toward a goal or all coming together to reach a finish line. Our popular 500 Challenge is back, and employees are revving up those tennis shoes to clock miles this next month! We know the benefits of moving more each day with be achieved, but the fun in building community is just as beneficial. Join us and rev up your body and get moving this month!! Go big and strive to hit 100 miles in one month. Feeling intimidated by the big number? Look no further, here are a few tips and tricks to accomplish the feat!

Ask yourself… What’s my baseline?
100 Miles in 31 days averages to be about 3.2 miles per day or 22.6 miles per week. This may seem like a lot, but you may already be hitting close to that number! Take some time to track your normal daily average. How close are you to the 3.2 miles? Find fun and low effort ways to incorporate more steps into your daily routine! This could be taking the stairs, getting up and taking a short walk every hour, or taking a morning and/or evening stroll daily.

Break It Up & Schedule Steps
Be realistic about your daily schedule. What days are you more likely to get more steps? When do you have time to add a couple extra miles? Use a calendar and set a daily/weekly goal based on your schedule. Add time in to get your miles completed so you don’t find yourself falling short.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Set up a time with your team, colleagues, friends, or family to accomplish some miles. When you bring others along, it can help make the activity more enjoyable and you may find yourself accomplishing more miles than you would by yourself!

Incorporate Challenges In Your Challenge
Find fun and competitive ways to meet your daily and weekly goals! This could mean striving to achieve badges on your apple watch or inviting family and friends to a step challenge. Be creative and participate in challenges outside of the 500 that will get you moving and help motivate you to exceed your 100 miles in a month!

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