We all know that exercising is good for us. It keeps us full of energy, lowers our risk for disease and helps us look our best. For some people, these reasons alone are enough to keep them going and motivated to stay on track with their fitness goals. On the other hand, we all know somebody who struggles to stay motivated enough to adhere to, or even begin a fitness regimen. Maybe this person is a family member, a friend, a co-worker or even yourself! Whatever the case may be, I am here to offer five tips that can help even the most unmotivated individual get going.
Change your Perspective!
Look at your time exercising as your time away from all other distractions. This is a time that you have set aside for your own personal gain and shouldn’t be spent stressing or worrying about daily issues! Allow this time be a highlight of your day and use different means to find something that works for you!
Use Your Pets
One of the easiest ways to stay motivated to get some extra activity in is to use your dog! They will always be a friendly reminder of when nature calls and this can be a cue for you to get up and take a walk around the neighborhood. This is a great way to get going and enjoy time with your pet while keeping the intensity low and being able to enjoy the outdoors.
Grab a Buddy
Sometimes all you need is that little nudge to get you going. Get with a friend or co-worker to help keep you honest and agree on a weekly exercise schedule and hold each other accountable! Support each other on walks or jogs, play a sport or game, or head to the corporate fitness center together to work out and encourage one another. Work together to make it fun!
Grab Some Headphones/Find a book!
Music is a great motivational tool to finish that cardio session or to finish that last repetition. Pick some music you can enjoy with a higher tempo you can follow along with. Are you the type who would rather be swept up in a good story? Pick up a couple audio books by your favorite author and make a goal to listen to so many chapters during your session.
Be an Inspiration!
Maybe you have children, family members, or friends that would also benefit from developing positive health choices and fitness routines. Seeing you succeed and commit to a regular exercise routine could be all that a loved one needs to also make a positive change in their lives as well! What is better than being someone else’s inspiration!
I encourage you to be a motivator, grab fellow employees and go for a walk at lunch, or head to your corporate fitness center to make today your day to live a healthier lifestyle.