Corporate Fitness and Active Aging

Dawson Blades

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Hydration in the Summer Months

GettyImages-541266240With the warmer summer months, it's the most prominent time when dehydration can become a big health issue and roadblock, especially if you are exercising outdoors. The heat and humidity can make it difficult to maintain a healthy balance of fluids in the body. That's why staying hydrated is not only important for your health but also for your fitness goals. 

The Importance of Staying Hydrated

Water is essential for the proper functioning of our bodies. It regulates body temperature, helps transport nutrients, and removes waste. When we don't drink enough water, our bodies can become dehydrated, which can lead to serious health problems. Mild dehydration can cause headaches, fatigue, and dry skin, while severe dehydration can lead to heatstroke, seizures, and even death.

During the summer months, we are more likely to become dehydrated because we lose more water through sweating, and we may not be aware of how much water we are losing. Additionally, the heat can cause us to lose our appetite, which can make it harder to stay hydrated.

Exercising in the Heat and Hydration

Exercising in the heat can also have a significant impact on hydration levels. When we exercise, our bodies generate heat, and we sweat to cool down. This process can cause us to lose a lot of water, which can lead to dehydration if we don't replenish the lost fluids.

When we exercise in the heat, the risk of dehydration is even greater. This is because we lose more water through sweating, and the hot air can make it harder for our bodies to cool down. Additionally, if we are not used to exercising in the heat, our bodies may not be able to adjust to the higher temperatures, which can make us more susceptible to dehydration.

Staying Hydrated Through Water and Electrolytes

Drinking enough water is the most important thing you can do to stay hydrated. It's important to drink water before, during, and after exercise, especially if you're exercising in the heat. Aim to drink at least eight cups of water a day, and more if you're exercising or spending time outside.

Electrolyte replacement drinks like Gatorade, Powerade, Body Armor, or PRIME can also help you stay hydrated. When we sweat, we not only lose water, but also lose electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium. These electrolytes are essential for proper muscle and nerve function, and if we don't replace them, we can become dehydrated. You can use electrolyte replacement drinks to replenish these electrolytes.

5 Strategies to Stay Hydrated

Here are five strategies to stay hydrated during the summer months:

  1. Drink water before, during, and after exercise. You should aim to drink at least eight cups of water a day, and more if you're exercising or spending time outside.
  2. Use electrolyte replacement drinks. These drinks can help replenish electrolytes lost through sweating.
  3. Plan your exercise routine. Try to exercise early in the morning or later in the evening when temperatures are cooler. If you must exercise during the hottest part of the day, take frequent breaks and drink plenty of water.
  4. Wear appropriate clothing. Choose lightweight, breathable fabrics that allow sweat to evaporate, which can help you cool down more. Additionally, wearing a hat or visor can help protect your head from the sun, which can also help regulate your body temperature.
  5. Eat hydrating foods. Besides drinking water, you can also eat foods that are high in water content, such as watermelon, and cucumbers.

Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining good health and achieving your fitness goals, especially during the summer months. Drinking enough water, replenishing electrolytes, and planning your exercise routine can help you stay hydrated. And don't forget to wear appropriate clothing and eat hydrating foods! Remember, staying hydrated doesn't have to be a chore. It can be fun and easy to do. So, drink up, and enjoy the summer sun!

Topics: exercise hydration employee health and wellness outdoor exercise

What is a fitness assessment and how can you benefit from it?

GettyImages-1299445663One of the best things you can do when it comes to tracking your progress with fitness is a fitness assessment. A fitness assessment is roughly a 30–60-minute consultation with a health and fitness professional where you are tested on the 5 components of fitness: body composition, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. Some assessments may also test for balance, mobility, or more sports performance biased like power and agility. But for the sake of this article, we are focusing on the 5 components of fitness.

Generally, a health professional will want a client to go through an assessment before they start any form of a fitness program so they can best create a program that is going to work for them based on their goals and outcomes from the assessment. After the initial assessment it would be a good idea to reassess your progress 3-6 months later to see if you made any progress and how you can continue to improve. Fitness assessments are also scored and evaluated based on your age and gender. A health professional will sit down with you after your assessment and compare the results to normative data or age-adjusted charts to show where you should be based on data that has been researched to be accurate.

Why Are Fitness Assessments Important?

  • They serve as a baseline measurement that a personal trainer or health specialist can use to compare results over a period of time.
  • Serves as a source for a health specialist to build an exercise and/or nutrition program around.
  • Evaluates strength, endurance, cardiovascular health, flexibility, and body composition that may shed light on how you can best reduce the risk for injury.
  • Can increase motivation for a client to participate in an exercise program.
  • Build trust between a client and health specialist that can cultivate great relationships.

3 Ways You Can Benefit from a Fitness Assessment?

  1. Fitness Assessments Give You More Information Than a Scale.

One of the biggest benefits of a fitness assessment is they give you more information to use than your generic bathroom scale. This is not to say tracking your weight isn’t valuable, because it definitely has its place, but a fitness assessment will allow you to see how you perform from a physical perspective. There are more data points that show more change over time which could lead to longer involvement in a fitness program and healthy habits.

  1. The Assessment Will Help You Set Goals.

With the ability to dig deeper into learning more about your body via the assessment, you can create more specific goals that are going to beneficial for your overall health and longevity. This will allow you to have more intent with your fitness program, so you have something more specific to work towards.

  1. The Assessment Will Help Keep You Safe.

There are so many ways to program for different types of people. A fitness assessment allows a health fitness specialist find out what exercises they can incorporate and what exercises may not be best for an individual. The assessment will also uncover any underlying issues that could be made worse by engaging in a fitness program.

Before starting an exercise program, a fitness assessment can be really beneficial in measuring the 5 components of fitness: muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular health, flexibility, and body composition. The results from the assessment will also help a health fitness specialist design your individualized fitness program. Many benefits come from these assessments and can help uncover more about your body and how to keep it safe and live a healthier life. Now that you have more information on fitness assessments, reach out to your local fitness center staff and get your appointment scheduled!

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Topics: body composition fitness assessment corporate fitness center wellness and fitness setting exercise goals tracking your fitness progress 23 Minutes