Corporate Fitness and Active Aging

Kara Gootee-Robinson

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The importance of recreation and social interaction for active older adults

DSC_0303As we age, staying active is crucial for maintaining our physical health, but an often-overlooked aspect of well-being is the importance of social interactions. For active older adults, combining social activities with recreational activities can significantly enhance quality of life. Recreational activities can be essential to your health in many ways, including the following:

Enhances Mental Health – Social interactions can greatly reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation, common issues among older adults. Engaging in recreational activities with peers provides a sense of community and belonging. This social engagement can lead to lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Studies have shown that older adults who maintain strong social connections have a lower risk of cognitive decline and dementia.

Boosts Physical Health – When recreation is done in a group setting, it often becomes more enjoyable, encouraging consistent participation. Group activities like walking clubs, dancing, yoga classes, or team sports not only improve physical health but also increase adherence to regular exercise routines. Social support can motivate older adults to push themselves a bit more, leading to better overall fitness.

Improves Cognitive Function – Engaging in social recreational activities stimulates the mind and keeps it active. Activities like card games, board games, or even group classes for learning new skills (e.g., painting, crafts, or a new language) can help improve memory, problem-solving abilities, and other cognitive functions. The mental stimulation from these activities is essential for maintaining cognitive health as we age.

Fosters Emotional Well-being – Being part of a social group can provide emotional support, which is vital for handling life's challenges and changes, especially as we get older. Sharing experiences, laughter, and even challenges with friends can lead to stronger emotional resilience. The sense of companionship and the joy of shared experiences can enhance overall happiness and satisfaction with life.

Promotes Lifelong Learning – Participating in recreational activities often involves learning new skills or hobbies. This lifelong learning process is beneficial for keeping the brain sharp and engaged. Whether it's picking up a new sport, learning to play an instrument, or exploring new technologies, continuous learning fosters a sense of accomplishment and purpose.

Creates a Support Network – In later years, having a robust support network is invaluable. Regular social interactions through recreational activities help build and maintain your social network. Friends made through activities can offer practical support, companionship, and encouragement.

Encourages a Positive Outlook on Life – Regular participation in social recreational activities can significantly improve one’s outlook on life. Being active in a social environment creates opportunities for fun, laughter, and meaningful connections. This positivity can lead to a greater sense of overall well-being and a more optimistic view of aging.

Creating social interaction with recreational activities is vital for the holistic well-being of older adults. It enhances mental and physical health, fosters emotional support, and promotes a positive outlook on life. By staying socially active, older adults can enjoy a higher quality of life and maintain their independence and vitality for years to come. This month our client locations in senior living are engaging in programming centered around recreation and being social. Encourage your friends and fellow residents to get out there, join a group, make new friends, and keep moving!

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Topics: social wellness senior living wellness programs wellness for seniors senior living activities recreation recreational activities

10 Tips for Walking 10,000 Steps a Day!

GettyImages-1392938623 (1)Striving to achieve 10,000 steps a day is a great way to move your body more and improve your overall health. Don't let the thought of 10,000 steps hinder you from trying. Start small and work your way to 10K a day this month!

10 Tips for Walking 10,000 Steps a Day:

1. Get a pedometer or fitness tracker: Wearable devices like Fitbit, Apple Watch, or smartphone apps can help you track your daily steps. These tools can motivate you to reach your goal and provide real-time feedback on your progress.

2. Start small: If you're not used to being active, begin with a lower step count and gradually work your way up to 10,000 steps a day. Set achievable milestones, such as adding 1,000 steps per week until you reach your goal. Try breaking up your activity into manageable chunks throughout the day.

3. Find a walking buddy: Walking with a friend, family member or co-worker can make the activity more enjoyable and help you stay motivated. You can encourage each other to reach your step goals.

4. Make it part of your routine: Incorporate walking into your day. For example, use the stairs instead of the elevator, park farther away from your destination, or take a walk around your neighborhood after dinner.

5. Set reminders: Use alarms or notifications on your phone or fitness tracker to remind you to get up and move throughout the day. This can be particularly helpful if you have a sedentary job. Consider scheduling it into your workday or even ask your team if they would like to have a walking meeting.

6. Choose scenic routes: Walking in pleasant surroundings can make the experience more enjoyable. Explore parks, nature trails, or other scenic areas in your community.

7. Mix it up: Vary your walking routine to avoid boredom. Try different routes, paces, or include some uphill terrain. You can also listen to music, podcasts, or audiobooks to make the time pass more quickly.

8. Track your progress: Each day log your daily step count and review your achievements regularly. Celebrate your milestones to stay motivated. 

9. Stay consistent: Consistency is key to achieving and maintaining your 10,000-step goal. Make walking a habit and prioritize it in your daily life.

10. Adjust your goal as needed: Your schedule and fitness level differ from the next person. If 10,000 steps a day feels unattainable or too easy, adjust accordingly to suit your needs. 

Your main goal is to be active daily and make it a daily habit. While 10,000 steps is a common goal, any increase in daily activity can have significant health benefits. What is your favorite app or fitness device for tracking steps?

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Topics: employee health and fitness worksite fitness walking tips walking for health

Health and Wellness Trends to Incorporate in 2023

GettyImages-1277414671Everyone is always wanting to know what the top trends for health and fitness each year are and in 2023 we are seeing concepts we can get on board with and fully support! Check out these tops trends and why we support and encourage our corporate fitness center members to adapt these trends.

Low Intensity Workouts

You don’t have to strain yourself to reap the benefits of a workout. Don’t let the idea of exercise keep you from avoiding it all together. Simply walking for 20 – 30 minutes each day of the week will help you reach the recommended physical activity goal of 150 minutes per week. Incorporate stretching into your routine and feel your body loosen up and feel more limber for the better. Don’t over think it, simply move no matter your location.

Earlier Dinner Times

Maybe your grandparents knew better all along, and we should ditch those late dinners. Eating at an earlier time in the evening will allow your body time to properly digest your food before going to bed. Your body has more time to stabilize and regulate blood sugar levels and nutrient absorption. Make the shift by adjusting your dinner time by 10 minutes every week. It might not always be possible so strive for 5 out of 7 nights a week. If you are left feeling hungry at bedtime, drink a glass of water.

Movement Breaks

How often are we lazy during breaks in our day whether it’s grabbing our phone or plopping on the couch we can utilize that time. Incorporate movement breaks into your day. Get up from your desk and walk around the office, walk laps in your house, or take the stairs a few times. Movement adds up when you break it up into increments. When you have two to three movement breaks in your day, you suddenly have 20 – 30 minutes of accrued activity. We are encouraging our corporate fitness members to strive for 23 minutes a day in 2023, see how simple it can be?

Exercise in Groups

It’s no surprise that exercising in groups is on the trend list. People want that interaction after the past few years of covid isolation. Individuals are looking to get back to having community in the gym, at work, and certainly in their favorite fitness classes. Check out your onsite corporate fitness center for class schedules, invite a co-worker and keep each other accountable by adding it as an event on your calendar. Fitness is always more fun with friends.

What habits are you adapting in the New Year? Remember, not every day will be perfect and that is ok! Simply start each day with a fresh mindset and restart as needed.

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Topics: corporate fitness New Year's Resolutions in Action fitness trends 23 Minutes

Step Your Way Through July to Prove YOU Move with NIFS

July Prove You MoveThis month our corporate members are encouraged to pick a goal of 5,000 or 10,000 steps per day to kick of July’s Prove YOU Move Fitness Challenge. Some people cringe at the thought of 10,000 steps per day, but it isn’t just intentional exercise. Have you ever considered how many steps you actually take in a given day? How often are you moving throughout the office or your house? You might actually surprise yourself. Most phones have a Health App, or you can add a step tracker to your smart phone. If you keep your phone on your body throughout the day, it will calculate your movement and track your steps. As you start digging into your phone, don’t get down on yourself when you discover how little you possibly move, remember your phone must be on your body throughout the day to get the best estimate.

Increasing your daily step count and simply moving more by walking has many health benefits. Let’s take a closer look at why you should Prove YOU Move this month.

  • Heart Health: Moving more of course improves heart health, but did you know it can decrease your risk of heart disease by 20%?
  • No Gym Required: Moving your body by walking is FREE! No gym membership required. Step outside and go!
  • Burn Calories: Many factors come into play like walking pace, distance, and your weight, but moving your body burns calories more than binge watching your favorite shows.
  • Boost Your Mood: Stepping outside and taking in your surroundings helps get your mind off any negative thoughts or situations. Decrease stress in your day by walking.
  • Tone Muscles: Walking is a great way to increase muscle tone. Choose a pace that makes your heart rate increase. Use your arms as you walk and get the most out of those steps. As you complete your walk, you may find you enjoy the lingering tingle in your muscles.
  • Increase Energy: Walking helps increase oxygen flow in your body which helps increase cortisol and epinephrine levels that increase energy. You may not need so much coffee after all.
  • Be Social: How often do you cross paths with a neighbor when out for a walk after dinner or a stranger when walking through the office. A simple hello and smile can not only boost your mood, but make your day or someone else’s simply by being kind.

How much should you move?

A general rule of thumb is 150 minutes of physical activity per week for adults; that is 30 minutes a day! There are about 2,000 steps in a mile, so if you can squeeze in 1.5 miles in 30 minutes you are almost to that 5,000 steps a day goal! Keep in mind that is only considering intentional movement. Here are other ways to increase steps throughout the day.

  • Instead of scrolling social media during your lunch break, go for a walk after you eat. This can also help aid in digestion.
  • Schedule that meeting as a walking meeting. Boost your creativity with your team by taking the meeting on foot.
  • Park further away. Rather than taking that closer spot, park further away or higher up in the parking garage.
  • No elevator needed, take the stairs!
  • Kids have practice? Just say no to bleacher butt, walk around the field.

Eager to see where you stand in the daily step count? Head over to our NIFS Fitness Management Facebook Page and join us by sharing your step goal this month. We’d love to see how you move more this July! Tag us using @NIFSFitnessManagement and #NIFSProveYOUMove!

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Holiday Celebrations in the Pandemic Season

GettyImages-12803660852020 has been bizarre to say the least. As the holiday season and another wave of caution approaches many are getting creative with how they plan to celebrate this holiday season in a more untraditional way. Don’t let the pandemic bring down your holiday cheer or derail your diet. Check out these tips for keeping things light for both your mood and your stomach!

Gathering at a distance - We are used to coming together in large groups. Whether with family, friends, or coworkers, check out these ways you can celebrate differently.

  • Stick to your quarantine crew. Rather than extended family dinners, choose to dine with your immediate family/friends or those who have been in your circle.
  • Friendsgiving doesn’t have to fall to the wayside. If the season is your time to unite with old friends, set up a time to zoom. (#ZoomTogether, Zoom announced they are lifting the 40 minute limit on Thanksgiving). Nothing like a cocktail hour from the safety of home at a safe distance to round out the year.
  • Family game night, enjoy the time with family differently. If annual cousin meet ups are your jam for fun games simply plan differently. Virtual games like Pictionary, charades, Bingo and more can be a fun way to enjoy each other.
  • Pick up the phone, simply make some phone calls to brighten your mood and the mood of your loved ones. Share stories and memories of your favorite past holidays.
  • Miss those work pitch-ins and chili cook-offs? Zoom your work friends and enjoy a lunch together. So many employees are working remotely and miss that interaction, change up your week and schedule a lunch zoom with your co-workers.

Avoid a diet derailing – Just because you might enjoy the holidays in your pajamas, or better yet that new Zoom dress code, (business up top, lounge wear on bottom,) doesn’t suggest you eat the whole pie. Stick with these tips to avoid over doing it at meal time and over stretching the elastic in your pants.

  • Don’t overdo the menu. Consider the size of your quarantine crew, you may not be cooking for as many people.
  • Be prepared for healthy snacks, having fruit and veggies readily available.
  • Drink a large glass of water before you eat. It really does help you from the start of your meal.
  • Choose and make one dessert rather than multiple pies.
  • Healthy side options can be just as tasty, choose wisely.

There are many tips and tricks to survive the holidays in a healthy way. Start your day with a walk or workout and set yourself up for holiday success. That way if you do choose an extra sweet treat, you earned it!

How are you celebrating differently this season?

Topics: healthy diet holidays

Fitness through the Holidays


GettyImages-638573962 (1)The holidays are always such busy times! Managing all the things from day to day tasks, much less the extra holiday parties, celebrations, decorating, shopping, etc. Many times people decide to skip  workouts or cooking at home to make time for holiday activities. You shouldn't forgo your normal routine and it's best if you try to maintain some normalcy when it comes to your exercise routine and eating healthy. Take a moment to pause and incorporate even just 30 minutes of activity that includes the whole family.

One way to manage your time between celebrating and exercising is to choose an activity with friends and family that involves exercise. There are a lot of festive activities that involve activity. Ice skating as a family is great exercise and can be done indoors or outdoors. During a snow fall, you can shovel and offer to help neighbors who may not be able to. Involve the whole family in building a snowman or snow fort to burn energy. One of the best snow activities is going sledding. Climbing those hills is not only a great leg workout, but also a cardiovascular workout. 

Fortunately, there are a lot of indoor activity centers. If you belong to a gym or club, you can certainly use their facilities to do a traditional workout, play basketball or even swim as a family. Many area high school pools also offer open swim time.  Trampoline parks have become a trend for family fun and instead of watching your kids jump, parents can join in on the fun. It’s quite the workout to jump for an hour, just use caution! Check out other options in your town such as laser tag, rock climbing, indoor batting cages and indoor playgrounds. Most of these involve a fee but if you plan ahead you can often get group discounts and coupons to make it affordable.

Don’t have time to plan ahead or need to save time? Create games and workouts at home. If you have stairs you can all walk or run up and down the stairs and do an activity at the top and bottom to create your own workout. Turn up the music for a family dance party and take turns choosing your favorite songs.  The possibilities are endless, just think like a kid and use your imagination, or simply let your kids choose the activity!

Instead of grabbing food on the go, involve your kids and make it part of family time. Make your own pizzas at home and everyone can vote which is their favorite. Make a healthier Christmas cookie recipe together. There are great recipes that minimize processed sugars and flours. Allow your kids to pick the meal if they help make it. These are all ways that you can still spend family time together without disrupting your healthy eating.

The most important thing is to keep up as much of a routine as you can. If you are used to exercising and eating well then you should keep doing it as much as you can through the holidays. You can certainly take a break but don't disrupt your routine, make the holidays about friends and family, but you can also maintain your health as a priority.

Topics: balanced diet fitness routine workout motivation staying active during the holidays