Corporate Fitness and Active Aging

Kailey MacNulty

Recent Posts by Kailey MacNulty:

Debunking Fitness Myths

You’ve probably heard some fitness myths floating through the gym, the internet, or from friends and you may even believe some of these myths yourself! It’s important to understand the facts from fiction to protect yourself from injury, and to make sure you are exercising properly. Let’s dive into some popular fitness myths that we hear daily in the gym and explain why they are just that: myths!

GettyImages-1246345722“No Pan, No Gain”

Pain and soreness should never be used to measure a good workout. Nor should you ever push through pain when exercising. Pain or soreness during exercise can either indicate delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), or an injury. If you ignore the pain you feel, repetitive movements can worsen the pain, resulting in a more serious issue over time. DOMS is normal, and usually lasts up to about 48 hours after exercise, and just means your body wasn’t used to the movement you performed. However, give those muscles a chance to recover before exercising them again to make sure that is all it was. Remember, listen to your body, it’s telling you something hurts for a reason.

"Spot Reducing Fat Exercises"

As a fitness professional, I have been asked several times what exercises a member can do to lose fat around the tummy, arms, backside, etc. Unfortunately, it is not possible to pinpoint certain areas of the body to lose fat. To lose fat, you need to burn more calories than you eat because this causes a calorie deficit. The body also does not burn fat only from the area you are working, because it uses energy from your body, leading to total body fat loss. Also, your body can be stubborn, and fat can be lost from different areas at different rates that you weren’t expecting. But please don’t let that discourage you! Know that the exercise is still beneficial and will increase strength and endurance in that area and sometimes give that part of the body a more “defined” appearance you are looking for!

“Lifting weights makes you bulky”

This saying could not be falser. Many think that heavy weights will make you bulky and light weights will make you lean. The type of weights you are lifting does not necessarily contribute to muscle growth, as most of the adaptations that make you stronger occur in your central nervous system. It is true that lifting weights will promote muscle hypotrophy leading to a size increase, but not “bulky” in appearance. In fact, to become the type of bulky you might be picturing, it takes a lot of time, hard work (and sometimes steroid use) to become “bulky”. In fact, for females, hormones prevent excess muscle mass. Muscle tissue is a lean tissue, so when paired with a good diet, strength training can help build a lean physique. Lifting heavier weights can offer several health benefits in your bones, muscles, ligaments, and brain, to name a few.

"Carbs make you gain weight"

Recent health trends have led people to believe carbohydrates are horrible for your body and cause excessive weight gain. This has mostly started to rise because highly processed carbohydrates are high in calories and sugars, leading to fat gain if eaten in excess. Complex carbohydrates like fruit, whole grains, and veggies are a valuable source of fuel used by your body and your brain to keep you alive. If you were to cut out carbs completely this would lead to weight loss, but not a healthy long term weight loss. It would also cause extreme lethargy, headaches, dizziness, and low blood sugar among some more mild side effects. The takeaway? Limit processed carbs and keep the whole foods!

"Lactic acid causes muscle soreness"

Lactic acid or lactate causing muscle soreness has been a fitness myth floating around for decades. While this myth was debunked in the 80s, many people (including some fitness professionals) still believe it to this day. Lactate doesn’t stick around in our muscles long enough after exercise to cause the soreness that we feel for the next day or two. Lactate clears out of our system about 30 to 60 minutes after exercise to be recycled into energy. The soreness we feel after exercise is the result of microtrauma (microscopic tears) in the muscle and connective tissue, leading to DOMS (mentioned above). There is a lot more science that goes into it, but this hits the basics.

Is there other information floating around the gym (or magazines) that you wonder has any truth to it? If you have access to a reputable source such a fitness professional, start there! Or, of course, the internet is full of answers, but you need to know that the website cites its findings and isn’t the thoughts of one individual. Regardless, we are glad you have interest in learning more to improve the work you do for your health every day!

Topics: senior living health and wellness exercise myths exercise and health exercise and aging

Using the NuStep for Building Cardio, Endurance, and Strength

Nustep (1)The NuStep is a great multifunctional piece of equipment. Did you know the NuStep can be used for more than just building endurance? You can build strength, cardio, AND endurance depending how you use it. This is what makes the NuStep such a versatile piece of equipment in a senior living fitness center and why NIFS has partnered with NuStep for Pump it for Parkinson’s on Tuesday, April 11! This one-day event invites senior living communities across the country to come together, learn how Parkinson’s Disease affects our friends and neighbors while raising awareness on the benefits of exercise for those fighting back against the disease! We’ll be utilizing, you guessed it, the NuStep! Participation is free and communities will have a chance to win a NuStep T6 Cross Trainer. We’d love to have your community help us meet our goal of 1 million steps to honor the 1 million people in the US with Parkinson’s Day! Visit our Pump it for Parkinson’s page to complete your community’s registration and receive free tools to help in your planning.

As for taking your residents’ workouts to the next level on the NuStep, check out these great coaching techniques!

Using the NuStep for Endurance: Besides just getting on and going, have a plan when trying to build endurance with the NuStep. To help build endurance, make sure the resistance of the machine is moderately set. About a 4-6 on your 1-10 RPE (rating of perceived exertion) scale. Make sure you are maintaining your steps per minute! To help improve your endurance over time, add one to two minutes to the duration of your exercise session every week. This can help you go for a longer amount of time without taking a break.

Using the NuStep for Strength: To build strength with the NuStep, try this simple workout. After a warmup of about five minutes, turn your resistance up to a challenging level, about a 7-9 on your RPE scale. Using only your arms (feet are resting off the peddles), row at a moderate to quick pace for two minutes. After the two minutes, switch to just using your legs (arms resting on the arm rests), also peddling at the same pace for two more minutes. After the two minutes are up and now using your full body, peddle for five minutes on the same resistance. Repeat the cycle for the duration of your workout. Building strength can help you maintain independence, increase bone health, and increase muscle mass.

Using the NuStep for Cardio: To increase your cardiovascular fitness, you can try interval or high intensity interval training (HIIT). This will help increase the functional ability of your heart and lungs. Make sure you warm up for at least five minutes at a low resistance. After your warm up, increase the resistance to a moderate-vigorous level, about a 7-9 on your RPE scale, and peddle quickly for 60 seconds maintaining your steps per minute. After the 60 seconds is over, lower your resistance to a 4-5 on your RPE scale and decrease your steps per minute for a 60 second recovery. Repeat for the duration of your workout. You can adjust the amount of time as necessary. 30 seconds on, 90 seconds off, and so forth.

Make sure you are finishing your workout with a cooldown and some light stretching. Also make sure you are using the NuStep with good posture and that the machine is adjusted correctly for you. Before starting a workout, consult your physician and exercise professional if certain types of exercise are right for you. The NuStep can be a great alternative to other equipment which may be confusing to use, difficult to get in and out of, or aggravates an ailment. Check out a variety of NuStep workouts by visiting their website!

Join us for our Pump It for Parkinson's Event and receive a free program guide and resources to host this event at your community, April 11! Click below for more information. 

Topics: CCRC fitness center senior living senior living fitness center equipment resident fitness exercise and aging Pump It for Parkinson's

When to use heat or ice to manage pain

GettyImages-1213744131One of the biggest questions people have when experiencing and ache or pain is “do I use heat or ice to help eliminate my pain?” Ice and heating pads are among the most common treatments for pain, but are you using them correctly? If done wrong, using ice or heat may do more harm than good.

When to use Ice

Ice is most commonly used for acute recent injuries (within the last 72 hours) where swelling is the issue. Applying an ice pack like ice cubes in a plastic bag or a bag of frozen peas to the injured site can help minimize the swelling, relax the muscles, and reduce bleeding into the tissues to help manage pain. Ice can also be used for conditions like overuse injuries. In this instance, using ice after activity can help control inflammation. Some conditions on when ice is the best to use are:

  • Sprains
  • After new injuries
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Pulled muscles
  • Gout

When to use Heat

Heat is best used for chronic conditions to help relax and loosen tissues and stimulate blood flow to the affected area. Heat is helpful in improving range of motion in a stiff joint. Don’t use heat right after exercise, an acute injury, or when swelling is involved. Heating the affected area can be accomplished with a heating pad, or a hot wet towel. Some conditions on when heat is the best to use are:

  • Arthritis
  • Muscle aches
  • Chronic back or knee pain
  • Sciatica pain
  • Joint and muscle stiffness
  • Fibromyalgia

Safety Tips

  • Never apply the ice or heat source directly to skin. Wrap the source in a towel or an article of clothing can be worn.
  • Do not treat ice or heat for longer than 20 minutes at a time.
  • When using ice, check the skin frequently. If the skin becomes bright pink or red, stop immediately.
  • Never use heat if there’s swelling or bruising, or if you have poor circulation or no feeling in the affected body part.

Topics: pain relief exercise and aging pain management