Corporate Fitness and Active Aging

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Hula Hoop for Weight Loss

This blog was written by Mechelle Meadows. Meet our blogging fitness specialists at the NIFS website.

corporate fitness center management, hula hoop, weight lossThere is truly something for everyone in the world of fitness. Case in point, hula hooping is starting to make its mark in group fitness settings. A study found this activity to use the same amount of energy as walking at a speed of 4 to 4.5 miles per hour—which is a pretty quick pace!

Hula hooping for fitness is not as brand new as you might think. When I attended the 2007 National Wellness Conference in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, one session featured hula hoops, where participants were encouraged to try them out and see that they aren’t just for those under the age of 10.

While many of your corporate wellness members may not gain the same fitness benefits from hula hooping as with a higher-impact activity like running or cardio intervals, this can be a good activity to draw in seniors, children, or even those who dread the idea of traditional exercise machines.

Here are a few ideas of how to use hula hoops in your corporate fitness center:

  • During a group fitness class, set up an obstacle course (outdoors is better, if facilities are available). Many of the stations can be standard workouts, but make one a hula hoop station where participants must keep the hoop up for 10 spins before moving on to the next one!
  • Host a family fun night where corporate fitness center members can bring their spouses and children for a night of recreational activities, including hula hoop, jump rope, football toss, etc.
  • Hold a hula hoop contest to see who can hoop the longest. Sometimes all it takes is friendly competition to encourage people to try new activities!
Topics: group exercise weight loss

Blueberries: More Nutritional Power for Employee Health

This blog was written by Anna Hiple. Meet our blogging fitness specialists at the NIFS website.

employee health, nutrition, blueberriesWe’re right in the heart of blueberry season, so it’s a great opportunity to look at what makes this delicious summertime favorite so nutritious.

Blueberries are constantly receiving positive press, and deservedly so: their antioxidant power ranks them among the top “super foods” that provide vital health benefits. According to WebMD and the American Dietetic Association, blueberries boast the power to help prevent cancer, heart disease, and high cholesterol, and can benefit the immune system, cognitive function, eye health, and digestion. Their antioxidant content and high levels of fiber; vitamins A, E, and C; potassium; and manganese provide these benefits.

Are Blueberries a New Secret Weight Loss Weapon?

If the previously mentioned health benefits weren’t enough to send you hurrying to the produce section of the nearest supermarket, what about the fact that a recent study has shown promise for the blueberry in its ability to fight obesity on a molecular level? According to a recent study at Texas Woman’s University, polyphenols (a type of antioxidant) from blueberries hindered the development of adipose (fat) cells in mice. The effects were dependent on the size of the dose; the highest dose had the most impact on the cells.

Further studies are needed, as the jury is still out on the potential effects of polyphenol doses in humans. However, one can’t help but wonder: is the ability to bottle a blueberry’s nutritional power on the horizon?

In the meantime, the old-fashioned way of consuming your polyphenols through a diet rich in unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds (and even wine, tea, coffee, and chocolate!) should certainly be adequate. In fact, Mother Nature may see to it that this remains the best means, as it appears that there are polyphenols that cannot be extracted that are an important part of these foods’ nutritional value.

Healthy and Delicious Ways to Enjoy Blueberries

Think about simple ways that you can add more blueberries to your diet. They make great toppings for yogurt, cottage cheese, ice cream, cold cereal, and oatmeal. Add them to smoothies and fruit salads, or simply enjoy a handful for dessert or a snack. They’re most nutritious in their raw state, but adding them to pancakes, waffles, muffins, breads, and more will still add a sweet, nutritious burst of flavor.

Topics: employee health nutrition weight loss

Effects of Smoking and Obesity on Employee Health and Life Expectancy

This blog was written by Jenna Pearson. Meet our blogging fitness specialists at the NIFS website.

obesity, smoking, smoking cessation, weight lossLife expectancy in the U.S. in comparison to the rest of the world is quite impressive: 78.7 years versus 69.2 years. Much of this difference is due largely to advanced medical and preventative care; however, many analysts worry that this number will soon plummet due to a high population of American smokers and the ever-alarming prevalence of obesity in the U.S.

What would our life expectancy stats look like if it weren’t for smoking and obesity? When you look at each factor individually, it’s plain to see that we would boast one of the highest—if not the highest—expectancies in the world. The facts below speak for themselves.

Tobacco Use in the U.S.

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that longtime smokers lose about 14 years of their lives to their addiction.
  • Tobacco use accounts for about 30% of all cancer deaths and 87% of lung cancer deaths in the U.S.  
  • Tobacco use is responsible for nearly one out of every five deaths in the U.S., and is the largest cause of preventable death.
  • Secondhand smoke causes nearly 3,500 nonsmokers to die of lung cancer and 46,000 nonsmokers to die of heart disease each year.

Obesity in the U.S.

  • Accompanying obesity are numerous risks and ailments that pose serious threats to one’s health and well-being.
  • Researchers have discovered that overweight and obese cancer patients are at a greater risk of experiencing complications related to treatment as well as premature death.
  • In general, overall mortality increases with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or more, and a BMI greater than or equal to 30 multiplies one’s risk of premature death—especially from cardiovascular disease—by 50 to 100%.

Is your corporation a tobacco-free workplace? How do your workplace wellness programs help promote tobacco cessation and quitting smoking? How can weight-loss programs help your employees live longer, healthier lives?

Topics: corporate wellness overweight employees disease prevention tobacco cessation

Employee Health: Maintaining Motivation to Meet Fitness Goals

This blog was written by Dan Walker. Meet our blogging fitness specialists at the NIFS website.

Your new year’s resolution fell to the wayside. You set out to lose 20 pounds, start working out regularly, get more sleep, or any number of things. But after a few months (or maybe even a few weeks), you’re back to square one with nothing to show for it. You start out with the best of intentions, but your motivation to change has slowly faded away.

Sound familiar? If you’re like most Americans today, chances are you’ve set up honorable goals related to your health and well-being in the past, but had a hard time staying motivated and gave up shortly after starting. You had the right idea, but not the right strategy for achieving your goals.

social support, motivation, obtaining goalsFour Keys for Maintaining Fitness Motivation

When it comes to maintaining motivation, then, what is the key to helping you do so? There are four important things I’ve found in my own life that have helped me maintain motivation that I’d like to share with you.

  • Have a plan. You won’t just magically arrive at your goal of losing 20 pounds or eating better. Make a plan and narrow down exactly how you will get there and what it will look like. Nothing worthwhile happens without a strategy and a plan.
  • Minimize distractions. No matter what your goal might be, there are plenty of less important things that will try to get in the way. Make sure to periodically “clean out the closet” of your lifestyle. See what needs to stay and what needs to go. Anything that helps move you closer to your goal needs to stay, while anything that distracts you from it needs to go.
  • Form a support network. Having a friend who has the same goal as you—whether it’s weight loss, eating less fast food, or getting to the gym three days a week—can help keep you on the right track. Now you know that if you give up, you let not only yourself down, but your companion in the journey as well. Letting others know your plan can help keep you accountable.
  • Eliminate all-or-nothing thinking. Despite your best intentions, it’s inevitable that you will make some mistakes along the way. Don’t minimize your shortcomings and see them as unimportant, but don’t totally give up on your efforts after a mistake or two, either. See it as part of the process and don’t fall prey to wanting to give up the whole thing after one setback. There will be ups and downs along the way.

Don't Skip Any of These Fitness Motivation Tools

No matter how good your intentions are, chances are you won’t ever reach your goals and maintain them without following the four principles outlined above. You must have a plan in place, focus only on things that line up with your goals, have a network around you to support you, and allow for mistakes along the journey. If you skip any or all of these helpful tools, chances are you will still have trouble maintaining motivation along the way and will minimize your chances for success.

It may seem like a lot of work, but the old proverb, “All hard work leads to a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty,” couldn’t ring more true here, especially to those who have tried it all before.

Topics: corporate fitness weight loss motivation

Senior Wellness: Tai Chi Helps Fight Depression in Seniors

This blog was written by Samantha Whiteside. Meet our blogging fitness specialists at the NIFS website.

senior fitness, tai chi, exercise, retirement communitiesWith the elderly population only increasing, many senior living fitness centers are looking outside the box for ways to keep their residents moving and their spirits high. Tai chi could be part of the answer.

Tai chi is an ancient Chinese martial art that is practiced for health benefits. It has long been known to reduce stress, but researchers at UCLA recently found that the ancient martial art, in conjunction with a prescribed medication, can decrease depression in seniors.

Over a four-week period, 112 seniors aged 60 or older with major depression were given Lexapro. From those studied, 73 who showed only partial gains in their battle with depression were additionally prescribed 10 weeks of tai chi classes or health education classes for two hours per week.

Although both groups showed a decrease in depression, the group participating in tai chi displayed the greatest reduction. An additional 14 percent, compared to those not partaking in tai chi, were actually placed into a “remission” category. Thus, UCLA’s study shows that mind-body exercise can fight depression in older adults.

What ailments can exercise help your senior wellness program clients overcome?

Topics: group exercise senior wellness programs senior fitness management

What Corporate Fitness Clients Need to Know About Barefoot Running

This blog was written by Mechelle Meadows. Meet our blogging fitness specialists at the NIFS website.

Finding ways to incorporate current trends, or at least educating yourself and clients about them, is key to keeping your corporate wellness programming fresh. So if you haven't experienced the recent barefoot running movement, here's what you and your corporate fitness clients need to know.

barefoot running, employee wellness, fitnessAlthough barefoot running has existed for quite some time, the movement has reemerged in the past couple years. Rather than advertise any special shoe or apparel to enhance your runs, barefoot running followers suggest ditching the shoes completely to run with newfound freedom and a better connection to the ground than before.

Now the first thought running through the mind of your corporate fitness center members is probably along the lines of “Wouldn’t that hurt my feet if I happened to step directly on a rock or hard surface?” Podiatrist Stephen Pribut, DPM (quoted in this article), would agree, saying, “Most of my patients aren’t world-class runners. It wouldn’t make sense for them to risk getting twigs and glass in their feet.”

However, the same article points out that when you are wearing socks and tennis shoes, the body loses some of its proprioceptive awareness. Without the motion-control or stability features of a good running shoe, the foot and leg muscles have to work harder to react to surfaces. From my research over the past year, there is a general lack of strong evidence that wearing shoes is much better for the runner’s stride or biomechanics.

From an injury and liability standpoint, barefoot running is not something corporate health and wellness programs should incorporate onsite. Most fitness centers should hold policies of wearing tennis shoes at all times on equipment. If your runners are dying to try the trend for themselves, suggest they do it on their own time, offsite, on ground that appears to be safe.

Do any of your corporate fitness center members believe in barefoot running?

Topics: corporate wellness muscle toning exercise at home

Pick Red Peppers for a Great Weight-Loss Snack or Side

This blog was written by Lisa Larkin. Meet our blogging fitness specialists at the NIFS website.

Red peppers can play a role in weight loss! Peppers are low in calories, which helps with weight loss. Grab fresh red peppers instead of potato chips as a healthy snack. You still get that same crunch with a lot fewer calories.

Red peppers are mature green peppers. They are mild in taste, which makes them a great snack raw or cooked. Red peppers do not contain any fat, are low in carbohydrates, and are rich in fiber and vitamins C and A. Fiber helps with the digestive system and vitamins C and A help to protect your eyes and skin.

Peppers also contain a chemical called capsaicin, which may help to increase the rate at which the body burns fat. With all these positive things, why wouldn’t you pick up some red peppers next time you’re at the store?

Adding red peppers to your meal will not only add color, but also good flavoring. I like to buy a variety of colored peppers and cut them up in my salads. I’ve also cut up fresh red peppers and made a low-fat veggie dip as a healthy snack when company is over.

red pepper, healthy snacking, corporate health and wellness, senior wellness, fitness center managementJust last night I made kabobs with red peppers and shrimp to put on the grill. Add a little seasoning and you have a low-calorie, low-fat, and fun meal. You can also go online and search for a low-fat recipe to make stuffed peppers. Red peppers are something different to incorporate into your fresh summer meals!

Add red peppers to your salads, omelets, chicken tacos, whole-wheat pasta with ground turkey, or just add peppers on top of your grilled chicken sandwich. Have fun and get creative with red peppers this summer!

Corporate health and wellness programs are making strides in encouraging healthy eating, so look in your onsite cafeteria for these and other healthier options.

Topics: nutrition weight loss

Early to Rise Helps in Weight Loss

This blog was written by Samantha Whiteside. Meet our blogging fitness specialists at the NIFS website.

early to rise, exercise, employee health, corporate fitness center managementIn corporate fitness centers across the country, members are always on the lookout for health and wellness strategies to help with weight control. Help may be as close as their bedroom pillow.

It has long been said that “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise”; but now there is evidence from Northwestern University to back up this claim. The University’s School of Medicine followed 52 individuals who were split into two distinct groups: late sleepers, defined as going to bed around 3:45am and waking at 10:45am, and “normal sleepers,” who were in bed by 12:30am and awake by 8am. The researchers followed mealtimes, amount and type of food, and calories consumed.

Normal sleepers consumed 248 fewer calories than the late sleepers and the extra calories consumed by the late sleepers occurred mostly after 8pm. The quality of the food consumed by the late sleepers was of lower nutritional value and sodas were also more frequently consumed. Additionally, fast food was gobbled twice as much and half as many fruits and vegetables were ingested by the late sleepers.

With this evidence from Northwestern University in mind, what time will you hit the hay tonight?

Topics: corporate wellness weight loss

Overcoming Corporate Fitness Obstacles

This blog was written by Mechelle Meadows. Meet our blogging fitness specialists at the NIFS website.

Fitness opstacles, employee wellness, corporate fitness center managementWe’ve all experienced fitness obstacles, health professionals included. It may be working through an injury or trying to set a new personal record, but for many corporate fitness clients, it may be as simple as finding the courage to step foot in a gym for the first time in years.

You need easy techniques to encourage your corporate wellness members to keep pushing for their goals and realize they have the power to control a big chunk of their health and well-being. Here are some of the most important things you can do as the motivating “team captain” of your corporate fitness center:

Always Use Encouraging Words

From the initial new-member orientation, come across as friendly and welcoming. Beyond that, stress to them that you are there to help, answer questions, and understand their individual situations. During group fitness classes or personal training sessions, be sure to use motivating words or phrases at the point of exercise when things get uncomfortable or tiring and the member wants to give up.

For some individuals, encouraging words are better received in written form—for example, a small note sent to congratulate them on a recent achievement or a touch-base e-mail to let them know you are still cheering them on. This way the message really sinks in each time the member sees the note or e-mail.

Help Set Realistic Fitness Goals

When you do a consultation with a member, ensure that his or her goals are realistic within a time frame. For example, for someone with a lofty goal of losing 50 pounds, split it into smaller chunks of 5 to 10 pounds each so that the uphill climb of weight loss doesn’t seem insurmountable.

Remember That Small Adjustments Can Add Up

Remind corporate fitness members that every step counts. Sometimes, as health professionals, we fall into the trap of trying to force too many life changes on a member too soon because we know the importance of all the elements. However, encourage members to initiate one new change a week and follow up to see how the adjustment impacted their well-being, getting them closer to their ultimate goal.

What motivational techniques or tips have been successful at your corporate fitness center?

Topics: corporate fitness motivation

Employee Health: How Does Your Spouse Impact Your Health?

This blog was written by Lisa Larkin. Meet our blogging fitness specialists at the NIFS website.

spouse support, exercise, employee wellness,corporate fitness center managementI work at a corporate fitness center where spouses are eligible to use the facility. Although I do work with several couples/spouses/partners, I would like to see more getting fit together at the fitness center. There is no cost, and no restricted hours, so that takes away some of the excuses. Spouses need to motivate each other and make changes toward a healthier lifestyle.

The Health Benefits (and Detriments) of Being Married

Some studies have shown that married individuals are healthier than singles. Married couples usually have more money, which improves health status. Studies also say most spouses depend on each other more (wages, childcare, etc.), so they take better care of each other. (That’s not to say single people don’t care about someone they’re dating; they just don’t depend on them as much as married couples do on their spouses.)

Females can usually promote males to seek medical advice, which is why married males tend to be healthier than single males.

One bad thing about being married and living together is the risk of passing illnesses and viruses back and forth. This can cause both to have to see a physician.

What if Your Spouse Isn't Living a Healthy Lifestyle?

Because I manage an onsite corporate fitness center, I work out on a regular basis and try to eat healthy. It can be challenging when you have someone in your life who doesn’t live the same lifestyle. If you are the more active one in a relationship, keep up the motivation and try little steps at a time to influence your loved ones. Stay focused to change for the better and take your spouse on the journey, too!

Topics: exercise at work corporate fitness disease prevention