Corporate Fitness and Active Aging

4 Tips for Aging at Home

GettyImages-1313001485In sharing the many benefits of living in a senior living community with seniors, I often receive the response “I want to live in my home as long as I possibly can”. Making sure you are active and healthy can improve your life to maintain that desire to remain in your home. Below are 4 tips to consider before making that important decision.

1. Decide exactly where you want to live.

The ultimate goal of aging in place is to maintain your independence and avoid moving. But if your current home has too many stairs, you live far from public transit, or you’re located too far from emergency help, consider a senior living community. After all, isolation is a major issue for older adults, and maintaining social connections should be a priority when considering where you will spend your golden years. Weigh your options carefully for considerations like dining venues, activities and outings you enjoy and whether it has fitness amenities and professional staffing to help you remain physically active.

2. Adapt your home.

If you chose to stay at home, you need to make sure it will be suitable for you. A safe environment is critical to healthy aging. Home modifications can easily make a living space more accessible and comfortable. Plan ahead so modifications will already be in place when you need them such as extra handrails, walk in shower access, removing trip hazards, etc. 

3. Explore technology solutions.

Technology can be a key tool to keep you connected with the wider world. And there are many computers, tablets and cell phones suitable for older adults that can be made more senior-friendly with a few adjustments.

Voice-controlled assistive devices like Google Home and Amazon Echo can allow you to set medication reminders or control your home's temperature or lighting with simple verbal commands. Such devices can also place phone calls, read books aloud, or play music. Video doorbells that enable you to see who’s at the door without opening it and sensor systems that can detect falls and alert emergency contacts can be very handy for older adults who live alone.

4. Consider hiring a companion or in-home caregiver.

You may need extra support to remain in your home, such as help with household chores or personal care. Companion care can be a good solution for seniors who need more social interaction or require help with tasks like cooking, cleaning, getting to appointments, or shopping for groceries. And home care services can assist with bathing, dressing, taking medications, and more. Using these types of services can give you the support you need to remain in your home safely.

Aging in place is all about optimizing your environment in a way that lets you live where you want as long as you possibly can. Healthy aging doesn't necessarily mean avoiding physical challenges, but it does mean being prepared to deal with those challenges by making the necessary modifications to your lifestyle or living space. You can help ensure that you are well-positioned to enjoy your golden years in comfort by planning ahead.

All these tips can also be beneficial while living in a Senior living community. They are going to make your daily activities and routines easier, more attainable, and safer.

How will you plan for your future?

Read our senior living case studies


Topics: active aging senior living

Get Rid of Winter Blues with Attitude, Fitness, and More

GettyImages-683382226After the excitement of holiday parties and festivities slows down, we sometimes find ourselves in a funk. Life can seem a bit slow, minimal sunlight and weather keeps us cooped up inside, and we feel a bit sluggish. Get rid of winter blues with these tips to warm the soul.

Warm Your Mind

  • Think positively. When you’re feeling drained, it’s important to keep a glass-half-full mindset. Positive thinking starts with taking control and responsibility for your mind and attitude. A bad mood can be flipped simply by taking a slow, deep breath. In that moment you can change your entire day.
  • Be nice to yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, so let yourself move forward.
  • Smile. A simple smile can do wonders for your mind. How negative can you be if you are smiling?
  • Meditate. Meditation is a great way to keep the mind healthy and thinking happy thoughts. It can be as long or short as desired. Meditation forces the mind to focus on the moment, allowing us to leave the world for a while and de-stress. Breathe in, breathe out, repeat.

Warm Your Body

  • Move. Moving more throughout the day keeps blood circulating to all parts of the body. This includes blood flow to the brain, increasing alertness and productivity. (Here are some tips for finding motivation for winter fitness.)
  • Break a sweat. Working out can provide feelings of accomplishment and happiness. Exercise causes serotonin secretion, the catalyst for a great mood. 
  • Practice mindful eating and nutrition. It’s easy to get carried away indulging in favorite comfort foods. The downfall is that they are typically high in carbs and fats. Although you think you want these foods, it’s not what your body needs. Stick to the basic guidelines: half of your plate fruits and veggies, one quarter protein, and one quarter grains.

Warm Your Heart

  • Pay it forward. Do something nice for someone without expecting anything in return. We’ve all heard about buying coffee for the person who’s in line behind you. If you’ve experienced this, you understand how great the heart-warming gesture feels and why you might do the same for a stranger the next time. However, paying it forward does not have to be monetary. Simple notions such as opening the door or smiling as you say, “Hello” to someone can go a long way and often creates a ripple effect. One day, I came across an envelope lying on a bench, addressed as “to whoever comes across this.” I opened it to find a card with an incredibly nice and uplifting note written inside. It ended with a request to leave the card in a new place in order to brighten someone else’s day.
  • Don’t be alone… all the time. Surround yourself with positive people. Spend time with those who make you laugh, who make you feel good about yourself, with people who motivate and encourage you.
  • Play or exercise with puppies. Animals and pets can have a therapeutic effect on us humans. Find a furry friend to give your attention and love to; I prefer puppies. Don’t have any around? Visit a local animal shelter, or better yet, volunteer your time and double up on the fuzzy feelings!

Warm Your Spirit

  • Be grateful. Showing gratitude shifts focus away from you and brings mindfulness to a greater purpose in life, helping strengthen the Spiritual Dimension of Wellness. Take a minute to let someone know that you are thankful for them or for something that they did. Writing down what you are grateful for can affect your spiritual side in a similar way.

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Topics: nutrition winter fitness motivation fitness meditation mindful eating winter blues

Health and Wellness Trends to Incorporate in 2023

GettyImages-1277414671Everyone is always wanting to know what the top trends for health and fitness each year are and in 2023 we are seeing concepts we can get on board with and fully support! Check out these tops trends and why we support and encourage our corporate fitness center members to adapt these trends.

Low Intensity Workouts

You don’t have to strain yourself to reap the benefits of a workout. Don’t let the idea of exercise keep you from avoiding it all together. Simply walking for 20 – 30 minutes each day of the week will help you reach the recommended physical activity goal of 150 minutes per week. Incorporate stretching into your routine and feel your body loosen up and feel more limber for the better. Don’t over think it, simply move no matter your location.

Earlier Dinner Times

Maybe your grandparents knew better all along, and we should ditch those late dinners. Eating at an earlier time in the evening will allow your body time to properly digest your food before going to bed. Your body has more time to stabilize and regulate blood sugar levels and nutrient absorption. Make the shift by adjusting your dinner time by 10 minutes every week. It might not always be possible so strive for 5 out of 7 nights a week. If you are left feeling hungry at bedtime, drink a glass of water.

Movement Breaks

How often are we lazy during breaks in our day whether it’s grabbing our phone or plopping on the couch we can utilize that time. Incorporate movement breaks into your day. Get up from your desk and walk around the office, walk laps in your house, or take the stairs a few times. Movement adds up when you break it up into increments. When you have two to three movement breaks in your day, you suddenly have 20 – 30 minutes of accrued activity. We are encouraging our corporate fitness members to strive for 23 minutes a day in 2023, see how simple it can be?

Exercise in Groups

It’s no surprise that exercising in groups is on the trend list. People want that interaction after the past few years of covid isolation. Individuals are looking to get back to having community in the gym, at work, and certainly in their favorite fitness classes. Check out your onsite corporate fitness center for class schedules, invite a co-worker and keep each other accountable by adding it as an event on your calendar. Fitness is always more fun with friends.

What habits are you adapting in the New Year? Remember, not every day will be perfect and that is ok! Simply start each day with a fresh mindset and restart as needed.

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Topics: corporate fitness New Year's Resolutions in Action fitness trends 23 Minutes

Parkinson’s & Exercise: Enhancing Skills of NIFS Bold Moves Coaches

BM2We make no bones about it that our staff are the best in the business not only in their creativity but in their expert knowledge and appetite for continued learning. It takes this combination to make the most impact in reaching residents with engaging health and fitness programs in the senior living communities we serve. As NIFS was developing our Parkinson’s program, Bold Moves, we knew that equipping our staff with new certifications would not only boost their confidence, but the success of the program and we were right! Here’s some insight from three of our degreed fitness managers on how NIFS Bold Moves training aided them in elevating how they support the unique needs of their residents with Parkinson’s.

Becca G. – Bold Moves Coach in Indianapolis, Indiana

There was an abundant request at our community for a class for Parkinson’s Disease.  I researched some things on my own, but I felt like I needed more to effectively offer a class for PD.  The Bold Moves program helped me feel confident to lead class.  I feel like it gave more information about the disease, for example, how medication timing is imperative to consider when building an exercise program and encouraging participants to keep pushing. Prior to the Bold Moves training, I did not know to avoid cross over exercises, like the grapevine, or that PD causes impaired exercise-induced blood pressure levels.  After completion, I felt qualified to lead group classes and guide individuals in tailored exercise plans. Also, because of the education and training behind the program, the residents are ensured they are receiving safe, effective, and appropriate workouts from us.  I’m happy NIFS built the Bold Moves program with tools and resources to help us serve our residents with PD! It’s more than just the initial education, I have the sustained support and materials to manage the duration of this ongoing program.

Alyssa O. – Bold Moves Coach in Raleigh, NC

I feel the training was great because it educated us on the disease of Parkinson’s, the symptoms to be aware of, and walked us through several different exercises geared to manage those symptoms for maintenance or improvement in quality of life. It was very comprehensive in listing which exercises were better and why those exercises benefit this population of people.

They incorporated studies as well as example exercise programs for Parkinson’s that emphasized symptoms to look for when exercising this group of people. The training also guided intensity level and provided ways to structure the class so that it is conducted smoothly. The Bold Moves training was very helpful in my opinion!

 Charles B. – Bold Moves Coach in Atlanta, GA

As someone with a background in physical therapy, I already had some prior training and education for working with residents with Parkinson’s. However, Bold Moves training did give me a new list of Do’s and Don’ts for working with this population (avoiding grapevines and other advanced balance exercises while needing to implement exaggerated movements and elevate heart rates). The training also gave us the idea to install balance bars all along the back wall of our aerobics room, which has made our training much safer and accessible. I have 2 residents in wheelchairs and 3 in walkers who can perform standing exercises thanks to having these bars installed!

We are proud of our staff and their continued commitment to finding exercise solutions that work for all residents! For more information on NIFS Fitness Management services and our expert staff, contact Emily Davenport!

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Topics: senior group fitness classes senior living wellness programs activities calendar senior living Parkinson's Disease Bold Moves

New Year, Better You! Finding Motivation for Focusing on Healthy Habits

GettyImages-1070617536Are you striving to accomplish a new health goal this new year? Whether it is eating healthier, exercising more, or beginning a new health routine, you will need to create habits to help you achieve your goal. When deciding on which habits you want to form heading into the new year, you may want to first consider WHAT a habit is. A habit is a behavior that is repeated on a regular basis whether it is an action, routine, or lifestyle and often we don’t even think about it.

So, why do you want to form that habit? How will it help you accomplish your health goals? Finding the motivation to form healthy habits can sometimes be the most challenging part of accomplishing that New Year’s Resolution you’ve been promising yourself. To be successful in forming that healthy habit, you first need to understand what motivates you and how that will impact the outcome. To find your motivations, first ask yourself:

What are you motivated by internally and externally?

  • External Motivations:
    • Seeing physical results – weight, circumferences, toned muscles, mileage
    • Paying for a service to help you in achieving your goals
    • Receiving a discount for striving to be healthy – going to the gym, attaining healthy lab results
  • Internal Motivations:
    • Boosting your confidence and feeling good about yourself
    • Feeling better – more energy, stronger, healthier

Every individual is motivated differently. We can identify those external motivators easily, but really homing in on the internal motivators will help you stay on track and maintain motivation for longer. On the days that motivation might be hard to find, there are a few tips you can follow to really help put your best foot forward towards accomplishing your goals.

  • Include Others or Find an Accountability Partner – This will provide not only accountability but a support system as well. You will be more likely to follow through if you know there are others counting on you.
    • Examples: attend group fitness classes, work with a personal trainer, partner up with a friend or family member for workouts, meals, or whatever health habit you are trying to form!
  • Visualize Your Success – Imagine what your life will look like once you are following this new health habit.
    • Keeping the positive picture in mind can motivate you to turn that vision into a reality.
  • Keep Track of Your Progress – Find a way to track your results so you can visually recognize your hard work.
    • Set up check points for yourself to create accountability.
    • Celebrate your successes and reflect on your setbacks.
  • Be Patient and Give Yourself Grace – Remember that changes take time and not every day will be full of huge strides forward.
    • Embrace the changes and be patient with your results.
    • Recognize the little wins each day that you work towards forming a new health habit.

 Finding motivation to form new health habits can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Keep the above tips in mind, and your chances of success will improve. This is your year; share your habit you are focusing on in the comments!

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Topics: employee health and wellness New Year's Resolutions in Action healthy habits 23 Minutes

When to use heat or ice to manage pain

GettyImages-1213744131One of the biggest questions people have when experiencing and ache or pain is “do I use heat or ice to help eliminate my pain?” Ice and heating pads are among the most common treatments for pain, but are you using them correctly? If done wrong, using ice or heat may do more harm than good.

When to use Ice

Ice is most commonly used for acute recent injuries (within the last 72 hours) where swelling is the issue. Applying an ice pack like ice cubes in a plastic bag or a bag of frozen peas to the injured site can help minimize the swelling, relax the muscles, and reduce bleeding into the tissues to help manage pain. Ice can also be used for conditions like overuse injuries. In this instance, using ice after activity can help control inflammation. Some conditions on when ice is the best to use are:

  • Sprains
  • After new injuries
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Pulled muscles
  • Gout

When to use Heat

Heat is best used for chronic conditions to help relax and loosen tissues and stimulate blood flow to the affected area. Heat is helpful in improving range of motion in a stiff joint. Don’t use heat right after exercise, an acute injury, or when swelling is involved. Heating the affected area can be accomplished with a heating pad, or a hot wet towel. Some conditions on when heat is the best to use are:

  • Arthritis
  • Muscle aches
  • Chronic back or knee pain
  • Sciatica pain
  • Joint and muscle stiffness
  • Fibromyalgia

Safety Tips

  • Never apply the ice or heat source directly to skin. Wrap the source in a towel or an article of clothing can be worn.
  • Do not treat ice or heat for longer than 20 minutes at a time.
  • When using ice, check the skin frequently. If the skin becomes bright pink or red, stop immediately.
  • Never use heat if there’s swelling or bruising, or if you have poor circulation or no feeling in the affected body part.

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Topics: pain relief exercise and aging pain management

Managing Stress Eating

GettyImages-1261754581It’s no secret that our emotions impact what we eat, when we eat, and how much we eat.
In fact, sometimes it seems that the strongest cravings hit when our emotional and mental
wellbeing is at its weakest. Emotional eating is a way to, in the short term, relieve or suppress
negative feelings, such as sadness, stress, anger/frustration, and/or boredom. However,
emotional eating can also lead us to make poor food choices, such as skipping or forgetting meals, consuming fast food frequently or consuming alcohol and/or caffeine in excess, all which may have health consequences, including unintentional weight gain. To help prevent emotional eating, focus on the following steps:

Identify the difference between emotional hunger and physiological hunger.

  • Emotional hunger typically comes on suddenly with an urge to resolve the
    “hunger quickly”, often involves a desire for a specific type of food or food group,
    and usually results in overeating. In contrast, physiological hunger tends to be
    more gradual, allows us to stop eating when we are full, and doesn’t typically
    cause guilt that is experienced with emotional hunger.

Establish a healthy eating routine.

  • Aim to eat two to three well rounded meals each day. Meals don’t have to be
    complicated: the easier and quicker = the better. Try pairing a protein source
    (chicken, salmon, ground turkey or lean beef, etc.) with various grilled, roasted, or
    steamed vegetables and seasonings/sauces of your choice for a quick,
    inexpensive and easy meal!
  • Ensure you’re consuming enough of the right foods. Consume plenty of fruits,
    vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products while limiting
    your intake of highly processed foods, added sugars, salt/sodium, and alcohol.
  • Talk with a registered dietitian to develop a healthy eating routine that meets your
    individualized needs while helping to manage causes and symptoms of emotional

Manage overall stress.

  • There is evidence to suggest that increased cortisol, the hormone released
    during stress, may result in an increased appetite, leading to overeating and
    potential weight gain. Rather than turning to food for comfort, be sure to control
    stress by journaling, exercise, practicing mindfulness/meditation, and/or social support.

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Topics: stress mindful eating stress management 23 Minutes

5 Energy Boosting Tips

You get the required amount of sleep but all day long you still feel you’re in second gear. You’ve tried caffeine and sugar to help pep you up, but nothing seems to work. Luckily, there are some healthy tweaks you can do to help you feel energized all day long. Read below and chat with your doctor on how these nutrition, lifestyle or supplement changes may help you.

GettyImages-850837374Make Your Meals Count

You may think that a Frappuccino, an energy drink or a smoothie are the best things to consume to start the day. This may be the very reason why you’re feeling so tired mid-afternoon! Instead start your day with a meal filled with a lean protein, some fiber rich carbohydrates and healthy fats. Did you know that the afternoon sluggish feeling is related to a naturally occurring dip in your circadian rhythm? But having a low fiber, high carb breakfast will amplify that sluggish feeling all day long.

Another place we get into trouble is with our lunch. A large plate of pasta and a soda is sure to leave you feeling tired. The best way to figure out what works for your body is to observe how you feel 30 minutes and two hours after you eat. If you feel a dip in your energy, start playing with your protein, fat and carbohydrate ratio. To start with, try eating a meal that is made up of 45% carbohydrates (vegetables, and whole grain), 10%-35% protein (fish, chicken, lentils) and 20%-35% fat (avocados, nuts, seeds). By incorporating this formula, it will keep your blood sugar in better balance, help prevent that sleepy feeling you get after you eat and improve your energy levels.


Problems falling asleep, tossing and turning and not being able to fall back asleep are obvious reasons you may be feeling a lack of energy. The best way to combat these things is to forgo that 3pm caffeine boost and to get in sync with your circadian rhythm. Our natural sleep/wake cycles do best if we go to bed around 10pm and keep a consistent bedtime.

Not being able to go back to sleep after waking up in the middle of the night can be frustrating. It’s almost as if someone has turned on a light in your brain. My favorite two techniques to combat this are: meditation and writing out what’s stressing you out before going to bed.

Stress and Adrenal Fatigue

Being in a consistent stressed-out state can cause you to develop a symptom called Adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue robs you of energy, prevents you from getting a good night sleep and causes you to crave sweet or salty foods. Meditation, yoga and apoptogenic herbs can help combat adrenal fatigue. These healing herbs can help balance the body’s natural response to handle stress by supporting the adrenal system.

The best adaptogen herbs to help boost energy are: ashwagandha, rhodiola, holy basil and ginseng.

B Vitamins

Known as the “energy vitamins”. Having low levels of B vitamins, especially B12, can cause you to feel fatigued. Ironically, having enough B vitamins in your diet also helps with getting a good night sleep. B vitamins are found in foods such as eggs, salmon, beef, chicken, avocado, leafy greens, milk, yogurt and legumes.


When you’re feeling tired, the last thing you may want to do is exercise. Exercise is a great way to get your blood moving, which helps your heart and lungs work more efficiency, which in turn gives you more energy. On top of this, exercise increases your endorphin levels. Increased endorphin levels help make you feel good, decrease the feeling of being stressed out and helps you sleep better.

Moderate exercise is all you need. Contact one of your NIFS representatives to learn additional techniques to have more energy or to have them design a customized, and energizing work for you.

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Topics: active living healthy food choices energy level healthy choices

Being Active with Family During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is about getting family together and spending quality time with each other. But as the weather gets colder, nights get dark sooner, and the weather becomes gloomier people tend to stay inside and become less active. Staying active during the holiday season doesn’t mean one has to go to the gym and pump some iron. There are other great, family – oriented activities that can get people moving! Let’s discuss some everyday tasks that can help burn calories and get people moving more throughout the holiday season!

Commonly, when people think of burning calories, they assume people need to change into a workout outfit, dedicate time out of their day, and get to the gym. There are common activities that people perform daily that cause a calorie burn. Think about walking, walking doesn’t require a dedicated amount of time or energy.

  1. Set an alarm every hour to walk just 10 minutes around the house, one can burn 30 – 75 calories depending on one’s age, sex, and weight.
  2. Everyone loves a clean house, depending on the cleaning activity and duration you can project typically 50 – 100 calories burned for general cleaning. Of course, depending on the intensity of the household activity one can project a higher calorie burn.
  3. Shoveling snow, everyone’s favorite winter activity, can burn close to twice that amount in the same amount of time.

GettyImages-518723719Now that there is a general framework for how many calories people can burn cooped up at home, but how about what happens when people go out and get the family involved? Dedicated winter activities are a great way to get the family together and share some beautiful memories. An added benefit is being able to move around, have fun, and build a slight sweat.

  1. Skiing is a common winter activity that many enjoy each year. Depending on the modality that people are skiing one can burn more calories. Skiing at a low speed and intensity will burn less than skiing downhill and skiing downhill burns less calories than skiing at a moderate speed.
  2. Snowboarding is another fun activity that can bring family together while focusing on movement during the holiday season. If someone was to snowboard for an hour, they could estimate a near 300 – 600 calories burned for an hour of fun.
  3. Ice Skating is another common winter activity that can be either a fun family event or a great date idea. Ice skating at a nice, general pace can have you burning hundreds of calories in an hour. Of course, if someone increases the intensity and tries to race or are a figure skater, then one can project an increase in the calories burned.
  4. We can’t forget about sledding. The top three options can present some ecological issues, mainly being that not everyone lives in an area where skiing and snowboarding are viable options and not everyone lives close to an ice rink. Typically, everyone has access to a sled, some snow, and a hill of any size, then the sledding conditions are perfect.

During this holiday season, try to expand your ideas on ways to stay active. Don’t be confined to only doing circuit training or dreading the journey to the gym. Think of the small, simpler things that can be done to increase one’s energy expenditure and incorporate the family in activities this holiday season. Curious what those activities might translate to in calories? Do a simple google search for activity calculator or use this one.

What is your favorite calorie burning activity to do with family during the winter months?

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Topics: physical activity staying active during the holidays

Maintain Your Routine through the Holidays

GettyImages-1278242720It is almost that time of year where people set goals for themselves but have a hard time following through with the goals or accomplishing them as time goes on. We have all been there before or know someone that struggles with executing their goals during this part of the year. Managing your time, being realistic when setting goals and supporting those goals can get tough as we go into the holidays. Here are a few ways you can avoid becoming stagnant and set your self up for success while finishing this year.

Schedule Time: We all have busy lives which makes it easier for us to lose track of time during the day. This causes us to lose the opportunity to progress towards reaching personal goals daily. A great way to manage your time better is by creating a planner or using a scheduler. Whether it is a daily, weekly or monthly planner, it allows you to visually see what you must get done in that time stand. Another strategy for better time management could be giving each task a time limit. Avoiding becoming burnt out or stagnant by revisiting the task later in the day or on another day, could help you refresh mentally and save time in you day. Establishing a routine could also benefit you when considering time management. By creating a routine, you can avoid time of confusion allowing you to dive right into the task at hand.

Set Realistic Goals: While it is good that we set high expectations and push ourselves, it is even more beneficial to be realistic when setting goals during the holiday season. It has been seen that physically writing down the goal, helps people hold themselves accountable when setting goals. No one wants to look back at something they wrote themselves and think they sold themselves short. It can also be helpful to identify the challenges you may face when in the process of accomplishing your goals. By identifying your obstacles, naturally the next step would be finding ways to eliminate them or finding ways to work around them. Another way of being realistic when setting goals could be to block time out of your day to work towards your goal. While you might have to cut some things out of your normal daily or weekly schedule, it could be beneficial to prioritize time to be productive when trying to accomplish a goal.

Establish a Support System: Yes, even your goals need a support system. An easy way to create a support system for your goals is to get an accountability partner. These are people that are there to push you when you need the confidence and reassurance to keep working towards accomplishing your goals. Not being afraid of starting with a small workload and working your way up is another way of supporting your goals. This is a great way to build your confidence while being realistic when trying to find a place to start. While being realistic is necessary, it is very important that you celebrate your wins whether small or big. Remaining confident when seeing results that are small is a huge obstacle many people struggle to get pass. It is necessary to understand any positive outcome or result, are step towards reaching you long-term goals. By implementing some of these strategies and approaches, you might find yourself accomplishing goals and finishing this year off better than you expected.

How do you maintain your habits through the holidays?

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Topics: goal setting health and fitness goals staying active during the holidays